Neue Ausgabe

Sonntag, 7. August 2011

The lending rates must go especially within the euro-zone partly clearly under it!!!

AND if, further the controls sentences of the top breadwinners must go
around partial at least 5% upwards are corrected!!!

= What would rather calm absolutely the finance markets a lot, than
Trichets other crazy purchase of state loans!!!
= Also the value of state loans would become with a Herabsenkung of her
Lending rates like from mind hand, in any case, again rise!

= The measure around a Herabsenkung of lending rates should go of course
still most exactly held on - and according to possibilities and
Necessities can be changed!!!

If the worst comes to the worst, there think most government-politicians
as well as these below to performed ones:
Then it must go almost necessarily to increased immature and late action come??!

= Now we must have learned one, nevertheless, everything:
Sleeve hochkrempeln and with passion engages in real ones Democracies work!!!

= And of course approved thinkers, scientists and other experts
more have to say must, than rather himmelserstürmende politicians!!!

ZDFtext today news, from 0,508.2011 - on phoenix

From the policy in the private sector, part I

The change of ex-Prime Ministers of Baden-Wurttemberg Stefan Mappus
(CDP) to the Darmstadt pharmaceutical company Merck is only one of many
To the examples if politicians change in the economy:
Prominentister representative is here ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder
(SPD),in a pipeline society signed on, with the Russian energy konzern
Gazprom cooperates.

Joschka Fischer (Bündnis90 / Greens), Foreign Secretaries under Schröder, represents in the meantime, the interests of groups like Siemens, BMW and

From the policy in the private sector, Tei II

Roland Koch (CDP), long-standing Prime Minister in Hessen, excavates
no more around votes, but leads since July, 2011 the construction group
Bilfinger-Berger. Dieter old house (CDP), early Prime Minister in
Thuringia, took over in the beginning of 2010 as a lobbyist with the
controls with the autosupplier Magna Internationally.

Friedrich Merzm Finanzexperte of the CDP and inventors of the " coasters
of tax explanation ", AG came in 2005 as a member of the supervisory board
to the German stock exchange.

From the policy in the private sector, part III

Werner Müller, before as an independent federal Minister for Economic
Affairs in that Lengthening of the Kohl's subsidy involves, went in 2003
as a boss of the management to the Ruhrkohle AG.
Of Müller Assistant Secretary Alfred Tacke the Ruhr gas approved the
takeover AG (RISE) by E.ON against the doubts of the Federal Cartel Office
by minister's permission.
Then he became a boss of a RAG daughter.

Matthias Wissmann (CDP), once federal minister of transport, criticized in
2007 as a president of the federation of the automobile industry the "tense
one" Contact way of the Germans with such changes.

With kind regards Thomas Karnasch

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