Neue Ausgabe

Samstag, 27. August 2011

Africa's government leaders are all millionaires yet - has only one of them personally donated to the famine which?

Africa's government leaders are all millionaires yet - has only one of them personally donated to the famine which?
I know at least how it feels when it really does hurt - which I also with other such parties together - and drives me on what to do I can.

I've also learned and understood that people often only for deaf and blind herd
is good - then this is a serious need for positive influences from the outside!
= What is rather less dependent on education levels is possible - but much- of
more multi-layered experience of life!

What is in principle the most appropriate message to terrorists?
= Treat all people as such - and not just blindly watch as millions die miserably from starvation!
= What can undoubtedly lead to Selbstanstachelung of terrorists.

Lacks the chairman of UNICEF Germany is also not to overlook any real life experience!

= It is true that some German are generous - it is also true, however, that at least as many others must be seriously considered stingy!
= A real charity chairman should take to heart but can actually publicly!

= See the only lasting over a year at the legendary Berlin airlift Beginning of
the so-called Cold War.

= Especially government officials must be clear soon, that they not only ask
nicely - but, she also must listen to the scholars and activists in their own country!
= My optimism is clouded in terms of the future, not least because of their appalling behavior and one more.
= Although these opportunities are still huge!

= A serious help with the current famine would also be necessary for the advancement of human help seriously!

With warm regards, especially to all needy people, Thomas Karnasch

Freitag, 19. August 2011

Vladimir Putin cannot become at all again a Russian president

To believe barely: again media are about to legitimize insidious violation of
the constitution apparently.
Vladimir Putin cannot become at all again a Russian president - it is since,
this breaks arbitrarily the Russian constitution - hits more exactly said
with the sledgehammer on selbige one.

His dishonest and, actually, barely male strange request has absolutely also
the certain murder attempt especially of the schwarz/yellow policy in that Bundesrepublick Germany, on the just constitution of the Bundesrepublick
Germany supports or motivates in addition in certain way.

= If none comes especially in such primitive cases of abuse of power certain counterweir, especially from the affected people - from to affected states,
then such insidious cases of abuse of power can become according to
experience very fast the stopping-off place to even more abuse of power!!!

= What had in common especially Stalin and Hitler (however Mao, also:
Both were incapable to itself to love!!!

And how far the today's dictators - the today's ones can do themselves
authoritarian regime love???

= Only who can also love each other, so to speak - who accept themselves
can, is also in the position to possible breaking the banks own abuse of
power to confront own personality!!!

AND how that sees especially with the Regimen of Baschar al Assad and
Muammar al Gaddafi from???

= Only who can love each other himself, is able, in principle, also, his
To love people, his compatriots in certain way and serious ones Respect for
his life - before which of legitimate existence authorization to point!!!

Who does not want to stew in the hell, that should seriously take to heart.

= Thus it often goes not without decisive human having an effect from the outside!!!

= See a little apt announcing in relation on the recent settlement build by
the Israeli government.
= Where are the nevertheless actually natural certain considerations also by
this announcement a little thought-out rather ???!!!

= Land additional purchase???!!!

= Construction of new sea water desalination plant / n in combination with self-sufficient To hydroelectric power plants for the Palestinians???!!!

= Also especially the responsible Israelis and Palestinians are in such a
way very with lasting effect traumatisiert - with lasting effect shy on
account of almost also totally missing freedom of speech - thus them without
human unterstützung are barely able from the outside to create lasting peace.
With kind regards, especially to all not free Mit-earth inhabitants,
Thomas Karnasch

Montag, 15. August 2011

Even government officials seem increasingly mutate into terrorists

Sunday 14 August 2011

3sat news from Sunday, 14.08.2011

Too little money for the hungry:
UN cuts emergency program for children

Several aid agencies are urgently calling for more financial assistance for the
Hungry in East Africa.
So far, only about half of the required € 1.41 billion were pledged
Thomas Heilmann complained of Save the Children in an article for the "Welt am Sonntag".

The World Food Program had placed the issue of special foods
limited to children under four years must. :
"More than 260,000 malnourished children were from the emergency program
be ruled out - simply because the money is missing, "said Heilmann.

= This government leaders are then basically nothing more than mass murderers.

= In terms of global arms stop future investments in favor of existential
is also nothing decisive happened?

= Then the Hitler / Stalin and Mao in 100 years only on the edge as
Mass murderers can mention.

With warm regards, especially to the hungry around the world, Thomas Karnasch

P.S. Through clever politics - by wise measures allow others responsible
Contribute to commit a certain extent!

= However, by looking away shameful ...

Sonntag, 7. August 2011

The lending rates must go especially within the euro-zone partly clearly under it!!!

AND if, further the controls sentences of the top breadwinners must go
around partial at least 5% upwards are corrected!!!

= What would rather calm absolutely the finance markets a lot, than
Trichets other crazy purchase of state loans!!!
= Also the value of state loans would become with a Herabsenkung of her
Lending rates like from mind hand, in any case, again rise!

= The measure around a Herabsenkung of lending rates should go of course
still most exactly held on - and according to possibilities and
Necessities can be changed!!!

If the worst comes to the worst, there think most government-politicians
as well as these below to performed ones:
Then it must go almost necessarily to increased immature and late action come??!

= Now we must have learned one, nevertheless, everything:
Sleeve hochkrempeln and with passion engages in real ones Democracies work!!!

= And of course approved thinkers, scientists and other experts
more have to say must, than rather himmelserstürmende politicians!!!

ZDFtext today news, from 0,508.2011 - on phoenix

From the policy in the private sector, part I

The change of ex-Prime Ministers of Baden-Wurttemberg Stefan Mappus
(CDP) to the Darmstadt pharmaceutical company Merck is only one of many
To the examples if politicians change in the economy:
Prominentister representative is here ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder
(SPD),in a pipeline society signed on, with the Russian energy konzern
Gazprom cooperates.

Joschka Fischer (Bündnis90 / Greens), Foreign Secretaries under Schröder, represents in the meantime, the interests of groups like Siemens, BMW and

From the policy in the private sector, Tei II

Roland Koch (CDP), long-standing Prime Minister in Hessen, excavates
no more around votes, but leads since July, 2011 the construction group
Bilfinger-Berger. Dieter old house (CDP), early Prime Minister in
Thuringia, took over in the beginning of 2010 as a lobbyist with the
controls with the autosupplier Magna Internationally.

Friedrich Merzm Finanzexperte of the CDP and inventors of the " coasters
of tax explanation ", AG came in 2005 as a member of the supervisory board
to the German stock exchange.

From the policy in the private sector, part III

Werner Müller, before as an independent federal Minister for Economic
Affairs in that Lengthening of the Kohl's subsidy involves, went in 2003
as a boss of the management to the Ruhrkohle AG.
Of Müller Assistant Secretary Alfred Tacke the Ruhr gas approved the
takeover AG (RISE) by E.ON against the doubts of the Federal Cartel Office
by minister's permission.
Then he became a boss of a RAG daughter.

Matthias Wissmann (CDP), once federal minister of transport, criticized in
2007 as a president of the federation of the automobile industry the "tense
one" Contact way of the Germans with such changes.

With kind regards Thomas Karnasch