Neue Ausgabe

Montag, 25. Juni 2012

Some approved finance scientists and economists criticize are introduction the euro

And this is in itself also well in such a way!
Already are of the introduction of the euro the European communal currency to
criticize, and this competently also predominantly about the insufficient one to
do political arrangement, nevertheless, what is quite different, than consciously
one To poke euro-refusal! As well as it apparently Thilo Sarrazin with that
does to the newest book.
  Scientists and other experts reach with her talks and
Publications rather a demanding audience. Meanwhile Sarrazin
places rather on a wide audience.

Whenever it is feasible for me, I look talks also this.
As well as just now the live dialog with the approved economist and euro-
critic Prof. Dr. Joachim Starbatty on phoenix! (also for me, around
to me the bottom to ...)
Regrettably, many politicians have something like that apparently after more
own View not so urgently. What also borders again on democracy abuse!

Thus functions / e with me:
Scientists and other experts deliver, so to speak, the specialist knowledge and
me pursue their executions very carefully. Leave afterwards this Accepted
work in me and mine every now and then increased responsibility are aware
this already introduced and other time to the fact, that, e.g., in 2004/
in 2005 a kind of fire letter über/an manager, besides, came out and with in
addition led, that it already after a little while in VW, Siemens and among other
things of the German ones Telekom started to rumble quite a lot!

As a rule spoken and written statements are relative of course, they
have as a rule rather a relative incomplete content character!!!

And Minister of Finance Schäuble has also no plan.
The criticism of the US president Barack Obama in the certain euro-chaos
with to reject suddenly of the grounds, that the state deficit in the USA
higher than in the euro-zone is, already indicates bisserl, that presently
around the European communal currency too many ego doers in potter around
are which still question rather less own pottering around or with criticism
In the end, another inheritance of his predecessor's government has closed
Obama master as among other things federal Minister of Finance Schäuble.
Besides, places the opposition in his Parlament rather in democratic approaches,
meanwhile the predominantly conservative opposition in the USA quite often
antidemocraticl to partial even extremist approaches displays.

Also EU-committee president Barroso drivelled again unilaterally only from
the necessary competitive improvement. What also indicates again more than,
the fact that this still has no serious plan:
  Without magic word of the mistake analysis to use the mistake minimization
or to follow, no politician whether should himself, actually, nationwide or
internationally to an interview may trust!!!
With kind regards Thomas Karnasch