Neue Ausgabe

Samstag, 27. August 2011

Africa's government leaders are all millionaires yet - has only one of them personally donated to the famine which?

Africa's government leaders are all millionaires yet - has only one of them personally donated to the famine which?
I know at least how it feels when it really does hurt - which I also with other such parties together - and drives me on what to do I can.

I've also learned and understood that people often only for deaf and blind herd
is good - then this is a serious need for positive influences from the outside!
= What is rather less dependent on education levels is possible - but much- of
more multi-layered experience of life!

What is in principle the most appropriate message to terrorists?
= Treat all people as such - and not just blindly watch as millions die miserably from starvation!
= What can undoubtedly lead to Selbstanstachelung of terrorists.

Lacks the chairman of UNICEF Germany is also not to overlook any real life experience!

= It is true that some German are generous - it is also true, however, that at least as many others must be seriously considered stingy!
= A real charity chairman should take to heart but can actually publicly!

= See the only lasting over a year at the legendary Berlin airlift Beginning of
the so-called Cold War.

= Especially government officials must be clear soon, that they not only ask
nicely - but, she also must listen to the scholars and activists in their own country!
= My optimism is clouded in terms of the future, not least because of their appalling behavior and one more.
= Although these opportunities are still huge!

= A serious help with the current famine would also be necessary for the advancement of human help seriously!

With warm regards, especially to all needy people, Thomas Karnasch

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