Neue Ausgabe

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Governments are the financial transaction tax to one: it is also against human rights

Is primarily a still - inexplicably - against a global financial transactions
tax vote yet to be classified as very undemocratic!
More than that: after all, involve the people in the law-established human
rights statutes in their usefulness but a certain amount of protective equity,
or zuzustehende a certain poetic justice!
= There is but so is some long overdue poetic justice, if financial markets after made a total of several billion-euro - from mostly tax money from the citizens provided emergency funds - now about the settling of an also vanishingly small financial transactions tax an at least small contribution to the retributive justice ! afford! - What would undoubtedly have a further positive effect on the coexistence between people within each society! - Of course, politicians-negative women make for themselves in a manner that does not have to fitted with the necessary and certain poetic justice seriously reconsidered: But not for much longer! - Politicians working for a financial transactions tax, however, must be explicitly praised in this context!
With best regards, Thomas Karnasch

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