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Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

Is also the Chinese leadership in Beijing is now only about their own power? And Wladimir Putin & Barack Obama ???

In any case, their handling of the so-called Chinese dissidents not particularly far-sighted - nor even in the sense of their own Population, for the future!

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin also looks seriously Way out of White's
own predicament Lage.Auch Vladimir Putin now only too well that as far as
possible to transparency particularly Khodorkovsky's case must be her!
Of course, is Vladimir Putin, a human and humans make nunmal Error, which is
why the Russian Prime Minister made certain Errors must be allowed!

The same must also be the Foreign Minister of Germany Bundesrepublick
be granted. - Stop!
Something was conceded Guido Westerwelle already almost immense extent.
The wester bulbous or the FDP-psychological terror I want at this point not at
all to run further! = In any case, these are zuzustehenden Error but for some
time been exhausted!
= Is a Guido Westerwelle in the front row would not exist anymore!
Was not from around here, from over-filled party ban criteria ...

A certain linksorienierter French President Francois Mitterrand had once
introduced in France UADI property tax!

Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao have not even discuss the existence got?
And Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama / American Republicans?

Before the presidential election to Francois Mitterrand was Prostate cancer diagnosed, which he in 1996, a year after his Resignation has died.

A key role has the life experience:
Francois Mitterrand managed from a German prisoner of war to escape and fought anyway - for the Gaullists Resistance.The then German Gestapo secret police
terrorwas the passionate freedom fighter Francois Mitterrand afterwards - what
this also did not prevent, continued in Underground fight.

I see no way anymore that Guido Westerwelle very well according to its own
claims were still foreign minister may be the Bundesrepublick Germany and must!

For people is still generally:
Who sinned too much of their own society - and It also failed to advance to
the dropping of their own make climbed force to be reckoned with not only
mentally in its own population to fall from grace.

Even ex-BDI Boss Jan-Olav Henkel placed once more on Sunday seriously inadequate training of its guild open!
= One can remake it for the prime minister just after their receivables catalog garkeine case be more!
= Resistance! Rather, whose resignation is = just after own receivables situation inevitable!

And also want to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao not seriously later lose face,then
this shall as soon as possible in a serious discourse with their own civil
rights activists join!
With best regards, Thomas Karnasch

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