Конституционная жалоба против больного правосудия правосудие,
развитое политикой, ответственной за главного соотечественника /
международный слишком мало - вызывает только в Европе социальное
повреждение хорошо одного триллиона евро / год!!! теперь = Фактически
весь адвокат Политикер и юрист находятся в обязанности!!!
Стороны * начинают сторону * документы как доказательство к
невероятно скандальным...
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogs...
http: // wirtschaftsminister-bruederle.blogspot.com/
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com/
среда, 22-ого декабря 2010 Все лучшее в течение нового года приближения 2011!!!
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/betrifftstrafanzeigegegendie.html
Это хочет желать, однако, конечно также
представления ООН Совет Безопасности??? Таким образом особенно
правительства России, к США, Китая, Франции и Großbritaniens.
С помимо изученных адвокатов Дмайтри Медведю/владимирса Путина,
Барака Обамы, так же как Николаы Саркоци помимо всего прочего, кроме
того, они хотят обещать человеку конечно новому году, что особенно
юридические дела, нарушающие банки при звене oigem немедленно должны
найти конец!!!
=Sowas - то же самое также в определенном смысле как преступная
программа обучения, чтобы понять с не auzuschließenden сильная или даже
террористическая деятельность!!!
=Behandle, который Ваши люди беспокоят хорошо И таким образом Вас
также хорошо рассматривают главным образом с тревогой!!!
К сожалению, это очевидно, не понимал не только правосудие Германии
Bundesrepublick даже все же пока, это однако весьма библейское знание /
мудрость серьезно не берет в голову, чтобы стать внутренней!!!
не в последнюю очередь были =Kaum 400 000 судебных споров соседства,
которые поверятся из-за различного юридического Verscheißerungen, более
точно сказал из-за преднамеренно юридических мошенничеств, только в
2008 в Германии Bundesrepublick!!!
=Ich предполагает от факта, что по крайней мере 1/3 нужно смотреть из
этого чем наличие длительного отражения эффекта на таких юридических
=Mit к дальнейшим далеко идущим результатам, как преследование в
рабочем месте или в школе помимо всего прочего!!! =Mit к чрезвычайно
далеко идущим результатам для семей!!!
=Weiter естественны также особенно изученный адвокат Сабина Лойтхойзер-Шнарренбергер, Гидо Вестервелье, Volker Kauder, Рэйнер Брюдерл и C.Wulff
и, кроме того, Франк-Уолтер Steinmeier, Jürgen Trittin, Renate Künast и Грегор
Гизи в обязанности!!! запрещать = кое-что как этот unverzügkich эффективный
как гласность!!!
И спрашивать, далее исключение всех далее мошеннически нанесение
удара изученных адвокатов!!! И, далее этот преступник и в случае
гражданский юридически / schaden-ersatzpflichtig преследуются!!!
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/bundesprasidentenwahlwulffnicht.html =Selbstverständlich должен пойти!!!
теперь, наконец, комитет исследования вокруг неправильного президента
занимает его сознательную работу!!!
Selbiges должен также рассчитать помимо всего прочего Мануэлю
Джоз Баррозо, Жан-Клод Juncker!!!
Если изученный фургон философа Германа Rompuy может иметь
особенно аварийные глаза на это согласно его обязанности!!!
=When не только названный, но также и все другие Совместно
ответственные, за которыми они, ее обязанности, названные здесь
немедленно не следуют, затем может выйти из этого, чтобы быть
объясненным уже непосредственно Персоне нон грата!!!
=Sind тогда также террористический помощник!
=Be, чтобы вызвать выполнение ее обязанностей, названных здесь,
становится миром, таким образом наша вся домашняя планета не
только в предвидимое будущее более конечно - отдельный, также
помимо всего прочего жить вместе людей улучшится!!!
=Mit помимо всего прочего положительного сопутствующего
обстоятельства, что также бюджеты могут оправиться!!!
Тогда с этим, однако, также увеличенное оправдание стола, для
защиты климата и развивающий деньги помощи - там только!!!
BlogThis посылают с сердечный привет Томасом Карнашом
Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung вокруг 10:53 этот пост по
почте! В Щебете дают праздник в Facebook, дают праздник, который 0
комментариев Дают празднику в Гудении Google: Звенья с этим почтовым
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* ▼ в 2010 (40) o ▼ декабрь, (8 Все лучшее в течение нового года
приближения 2011!!!
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Обо мне Томас Карнаш Хэйтт как ребенок неблагоприятными обстояте-
льствами только скорее редко чувство серьезно, что к может сделать.
Все люди имеют существенные способности - Часто они знают это только
нет! И они, кто верит от себя, серьезно что к können-verlieren тогда часто
быстро сознание для необходимого широкого изучения!...
Я работал почти 20 лет 7 дней неделя и 350 дней в году - чтобы быть в
состоянии провести каналы, также огромное внутреннее давление ......
также там один все еще говорило: если они берут себя не слишком много
прежде... И теперь я могу также решить из-за этих событий - социальные
проблемы существенно лучше...
Мой профиль полностью указывает представление простака. Включенный Blogger.
Constitutional complaint against ailing justice the justice developed by the policy responsible for head national / international too little - causes only in Europe a social damage of well one trillion euro / year!!! now = Practically all lawyer Politiker and jurist are in the duty!!!Please, publish!!! Bank:Kreissparkasse Northeim: account: 172008237 bank code numbers: 262 500 01 http://verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com/2010/11schlimmstenfalls1000unrechtmaige.html
Neue Ausgabe https://paper.li/Die-Gesellschaft-und-Politik-Zeitung#/
Montag, 27. Dezember 2010
Thomas Karnasch, international-approved philosopher
To Scheerenberg 2
2 37186 Moringen
To the Federal Constitutional Court
castle district 3
76131 Karlsruhe
It slowly becomes a time that the Jointly responsible ones of the federal
constitutional court clear up for the Bundesrepublick Germany, finally, the not
yet completely enlightened crook's piece around the deliberately suppressed
constitutional complaint against the Federal President's choice taken place on
=This is worse than at that time the case Guillaume with the following resignation
of Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt at that time!
=This is worse than at that time the caseas the so-called Watergate affair with
the following resignation of the US at that time Päsidenten Richard Nixon!
=Earlier or later it passes this anyhow!!!
=Who the basic law the Bundesrepublick Germany, in addition, ver-standen has,
they have just recognized that the basic law offers to the German citizens a certain
=Ist definitely no disgrace if something is not understood.
=This cannot perform people naturally also at all!!!
=What must signify further compulsive-in heat and signifies: Here and there
--must be the fellow citizens who have to carry with respect to that the respon-
sibility necessary for it by virtue of your office!!!
=What must mean without fail that certain juridical methodologies whole and
not at all can be admissible!!!
at least courts and public prosecutor's offices in no case may =Zum example
with the revealed refusals to work of judge or public prosecutor which abuse
empty phrase of the competence!!!
Do yourselves, finally, the fallen and roll up the mystery around the deliberately
suppressed constitutional complaint AND make this public!!!
Sympthomaticl =Juristen incline very strongly to take seriously citizen without
juridical assistance not particularly and to falsify procedure in addition not seldom
even deliberately.
=Also with it stands the Federal Constitutional Court in the duty to become
just active = AND to check at least my inputs in own acts AND to stick after !!!
=The disgrace also consists in it rather, new knowledge tries to veil!!!
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/bundesprasidentenwahlwulff-nicht.html
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/auch-bundesverfassungsgericht-will-sich.html? zx=8545dad78cb46de4
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/unterlassene hilfeleistung und.html
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/wulff-betatigt-sich-einmal-mehr-als.html
with full of expectaion greetings Thomas Karnasch
To Scheerenberg 2
2 37186 Moringen
To the Federal Constitutional Court
castle district 3
76131 Karlsruhe
It slowly becomes a time that the Jointly responsible ones of the federal
constitutional court clear up for the Bundesrepublick Germany, finally, the not
yet completely enlightened crook's piece around the deliberately suppressed
constitutional complaint against the Federal President's choice taken place on
=This is worse than at that time the case Guillaume with the following resignation
of Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt at that time!
=This is worse than at that time the caseas the so-called Watergate affair with
the following resignation of the US at that time Päsidenten Richard Nixon!
=Earlier or later it passes this anyhow!!!
=Who the basic law the Bundesrepublick Germany, in addition, ver-standen has,
they have just recognized that the basic law offers to the German citizens a certain
=Ist definitely no disgrace if something is not understood.
=This cannot perform people naturally also at all!!!
=What must signify further compulsive-in heat and signifies: Here and there
--must be the fellow citizens who have to carry with respect to that the respon-
sibility necessary for it by virtue of your office!!!
=What must mean without fail that certain juridical methodologies whole and
not at all can be admissible!!!
at least courts and public prosecutor's offices in no case may =Zum example
with the revealed refusals to work of judge or public prosecutor which abuse
empty phrase of the competence!!!
Do yourselves, finally, the fallen and roll up the mystery around the deliberately
suppressed constitutional complaint AND make this public!!!
Sympthomaticl =Juristen incline very strongly to take seriously citizen without
juridical assistance not particularly and to falsify procedure in addition not seldom
even deliberately.
=Also with it stands the Federal Constitutional Court in the duty to become
just active = AND to check at least my inputs in own acts AND to stick after !!!
=The disgrace also consists in it rather, new knowledge tries to veil!!!
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/bundesprasidentenwahlwulff-nicht.html
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/auch-bundesverfassungsgericht-will-sich.html? zx=8545dad78cb46de4
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/unterlassene hilfeleistung und.html
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/wulff-betatigt-sich-einmal-mehr-als.html
with full of expectaion greetings Thomas Karnasch
Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010
Also ex-pastor Joachim Gauck is rather cowardly and swims with
Media people have poked in the interview with Gauck as long as, until they
had her expected / confirmed thing in the box???
Thus this Joachim Gauck has also not understood the holy writing of the Bible properly???
=Du should not cheat!!!
=No, nevertheless, also, besides, it just concerns not a trifle - separate rather
around a felony!!!
=With, besides, to foreseeable results, should not without besides dutiful clarification
of the people, by the especially Medien-Mogule and churches princes and also
of the hypocritical opposition leaders!!!
=Are more or less educated person must know this, nevertheless, certainly:
To point even with the finger at others and not to take to heart just own requests =
exposes charlatans!!!
=In things democracy Power/Abuse and other crimes comes to this Wulff immediately
behind cook / Westerwelle and Merkel!!!
=Media people in this wide are trained something like that from on switching
on and edition - this must make woman and man properly concerned!!!
= Provided thatthey are not practiced just also because of this alarmingly to fade
out the reality.
=The coping of the future-requirements can fail, actually, only because of such and these!!!
ORF-Journalien and others can still amuse themselves so much about that:
=Not only would-be Foreign Secretary Spindelegger came along durh his
without level one cuddle with Wulff to the coculprit!
=Also this does not seem to have learned from the Nazi time particularly???
=Also these had got used at that time too often and too much to acting what they do!
=AND to omit even more in it, what also they would have had to do!!!
I see nunmal what I see!!!
=Im contrast, too e.g., to the supposed professional football players or 3 cheese
highs Sebastian Vettel - I can be called rather less than greedy parasite
among other things!!! =Alles in all I also think with among other things this rather -
that also this more injurious than useful for a society can be and are.
nevertheless, =Also those are governed increasingly by her customs!!!
=Also these would be nothing without people!!!
How much personality can still exist there???
With kind regards Thomas Karnasch
had her expected / confirmed thing in the box???
Thus this Joachim Gauck has also not understood the holy writing of the Bible properly???
=Du should not cheat!!!
=No, nevertheless, also, besides, it just concerns not a trifle - separate rather
around a felony!!!
=With, besides, to foreseeable results, should not without besides dutiful clarification
of the people, by the especially Medien-Mogule and churches princes and also
of the hypocritical opposition leaders!!!
=Are more or less educated person must know this, nevertheless, certainly:
To point even with the finger at others and not to take to heart just own requests =
exposes charlatans!!!
=In things democracy Power/Abuse and other crimes comes to this Wulff immediately
behind cook / Westerwelle and Merkel!!!
=Media people in this wide are trained something like that from on switching
on and edition - this must make woman and man properly concerned!!!
= Provided thatthey are not practiced just also because of this alarmingly to fade
out the reality.
=The coping of the future-requirements can fail, actually, only because of such and these!!!
ORF-Journalien and others can still amuse themselves so much about that:
=Not only would-be Foreign Secretary Spindelegger came along durh his
without level one cuddle with Wulff to the coculprit!
=Also this does not seem to have learned from the Nazi time particularly???
=Also these had got used at that time too often and too much to acting what they do!
=AND to omit even more in it, what also they would have had to do!!!
I see nunmal what I see!!!
=Im contrast, too e.g., to the supposed professional football players or 3 cheese
highs Sebastian Vettel - I can be called rather less than greedy parasite
among other things!!! =Alles in all I also think with among other things this rather -
that also this more injurious than useful for a society can be and are.
nevertheless, =Also those are governed increasingly by her customs!!!
=Also these would be nothing without people!!!
How much personality can still exist there???
With kind regards Thomas Karnasch
Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010
Also Wulff is active once more than charlatan/with translater
Also this talks from respect without knowing seriously, or without displaying
seriously deferential action!!!
If this knew what respect signified generally, this would never have taken part
in this unsuccessful crook's comedy around his Introhnisierung!!!
In any case, this would have initiated at least long time ago own resignation -
speak own bottoms to the exit carries!!!
=Nach like before are absent any ordinarily running off proofs that this has run
off crook's piece with right things!!!
=Ganz on the contrary what covers the writing of the Federal Constitutional
Court from the day before yesterday once again: No passing word of the
assistant head of government department Hiegert there in addition!!!
What underpins, besides, not seldom difuse Thinking of lawyers einmalmehr.
=Eigentlich only logically!!!
This, especially Dr. Hiegert after my many provocative, but not from the truth
to divergent mails, still not in the slightest seems to be annoyed what would be
entitled,nevertheless, in case of by repeated false assertions, more than would
move and just straight,frank lawyers more than to the necessary action right then!!!
=Doch nothing of it, no omission-request!!!
Thus silent admission in the custom-conditioned expectation that the whole as
usual seeps just also usually into the sand.
=That the whole matching crook's clan should have, nevertheless, meanwhile
sees through that an idleness and Weiterwurschtlen, neither with the basic law of
the Bundesrepublick Germany, nor with the constitution of the European Union
and already not at all with the human rights or one of the holy writings is to be
brought in harmony!!!
=Auch the other crook's clan which in Hannover, inclusive their wrong presidents
Wulff who have brought it together now already to more than 6 years further
wurschteln and Idlessnes, dispose obviously even about more difuse Lawyers
Thinking ???
=Not only logical consequence, but also at least one juridical consequence would
be an immediately anxious action of those, after mreinen to many publications
about many unacceptable and not only dishonest inconsistencies in policy and
justice, in any case!!!
In this case, nevertheless, with hearty deferential greetings Thomas Karnasch
P.S.Repeats in the general public to smooch repeatedly is also quite out!
P.S.It´s good well that I belong no more to these churches???
There are very important cardinals and bishops obviously none more???
=These would have demanded long time ago after resignations and clarification!!!
seriously deferential action!!!
If this knew what respect signified generally, this would never have taken part
in this unsuccessful crook's comedy around his Introhnisierung!!!
In any case, this would have initiated at least long time ago own resignation -
speak own bottoms to the exit carries!!!
=Nach like before are absent any ordinarily running off proofs that this has run
off crook's piece with right things!!!
=Ganz on the contrary what covers the writing of the Federal Constitutional
Court from the day before yesterday once again: No passing word of the
assistant head of government department Hiegert there in addition!!!
What underpins, besides, not seldom difuse Thinking of lawyers einmalmehr.
=Eigentlich only logically!!!
This, especially Dr. Hiegert after my many provocative, but not from the truth
to divergent mails, still not in the slightest seems to be annoyed what would be
entitled,nevertheless, in case of by repeated false assertions, more than would
move and just straight,frank lawyers more than to the necessary action right then!!!
=Doch nothing of it, no omission-request!!!
Thus silent admission in the custom-conditioned expectation that the whole as
usual seeps just also usually into the sand.
=That the whole matching crook's clan should have, nevertheless, meanwhile
sees through that an idleness and Weiterwurschtlen, neither with the basic law of
the Bundesrepublick Germany, nor with the constitution of the European Union
and already not at all with the human rights or one of the holy writings is to be
brought in harmony!!!
=Auch the other crook's clan which in Hannover, inclusive their wrong presidents
Wulff who have brought it together now already to more than 6 years further
wurschteln and Idlessnes, dispose obviously even about more difuse Lawyers
Thinking ???
=Not only logical consequence, but also at least one juridical consequence would
be an immediately anxious action of those, after mreinen to many publications
about many unacceptable and not only dishonest inconsistencies in policy and
justice, in any case!!!
In this case, nevertheless, with hearty deferential greetings Thomas Karnasch
P.S.Repeats in the general public to smooch repeatedly is also quite out!
P.S.It´s good well that I belong no more to these churches???
There are very important cardinals and bishops obviously none more???
=These would have demanded long time ago after resignations and clarification!!!
Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010
Dmitry Medwedew/Vladimirs Putin,Barack Obama,Jose-Manuel Barroso,Nicola Sarkozy,Angela Merkel,Hu Jintao,Silvio Berlusconi,Christian Wulff,Guido Westerwelle,Mahmud Ahmadinedschad...... soon are also Persona non grata???
Constitutional complaint against ailing justice the justice developed by the policy responsible for head national / international too little - causes only in Europe a social damage of well one trillion euro / year!!! now = Practically all lawyer Politiker and jurist are in the duty!!!
Sides * start side * documents as a proof to the incredibly scandalous ones...
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogs...
Wednesday, 22nd December, 2010 All the best for the oncoming new year 2011!!!
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/betrifft-strafanzeige-gegen-die.html
This want to wish, nevertheless, certainly also the representations of the UN security council??? Thus especially the governments of Russia, to the USA, of China, France and Großbritaniens.
With besides studied lawyers Dmitri Medwedew/Vladimirs Putin, Barack Obama, as well as Nicola Sarkozy among other things, in addition, these want to promise the person of course to the new year that especially the juridical deals breaking the banks under oigem link immediately have to find an end!!!
=Sowas is same also in certain sense as a criminal training program to understand with not auzuschließenden violent or even terrorist activities!!!
=Behandle Your people troubles well AND thus you are also well treated mostly anxiously!!!
Unfortunately, it is evident did not understand not only the justice of the Bundesrepublick Germany even yet so far, this nevertheless quite biblical knowledge / wisdom seriously never mind to have turned inward!!!
there have not least been =Kaum 400,000 judicial neighborhood disputes to be believed on account of various juridical Verscheißerungen, more exactly said on account of deliberately juridical fraudulences, only in 2008 in the Bundesrepublick Germany!!!
=Ich assumes from the fact that at least 1/3 must be looked of it than having a lasting effect reflex on such juridical fraudulences.
=Mit to further far-reaching results, how harassment in the workplace or at school among other things!!! =Mit to tremendously far-reaching results for families!!!
=Weiter are natural also especially the studied lawyer Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Guido Westerwelle, Volker Kauder, Rainer Brüderle and C.Wulff and, besides, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Jürgen Trittin, Renate Künast and Gregor Gysi in the duty!!! to prohibit = something like that unverzügkich effective as publicity!!!
AND to ask, further the exclusion of all further fraudulently striking studied lawyers!!! AND, further this criminal and if necessary.
civil-juridically / schaden-ersatzpflichtig are pursued!!!
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/bundesprasidentenwahlwulff-nicht.html =Selbstverständlich must go!!! now, finally, an investigating committee around the wrong president take up his dutiful work!!!
Selbiges must also count to among other things Manuel Jose Barroso, Jean-Claude Juncker!!!
If the studied philosopher Herman van Rompuy may have especially alert eyes on it according to his duty!!!
=When not only the called, but also all other Jointly responsible ones these, her duties called here immediately do not follow, then can go out this to be explained already directly to the Persona non grata!!!
=Sind then also terror assistant!
=Be to prompt fulfilling of her duties called here, becomes the world, thus our all home planet not only in the foreseeable future more certainly - separate, also among other things the living together of people will improve!!!
=Mit among other things of the positive concomitant that also the budgets can recover!!!
Then with it is, however, also the increased excuse of the table, for climate protection and developing help money is there barely!!!
BlogThis dispatch with kind regards Thomas Karnasch Eingestellt of Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung around 10:53 this post by e-mail! In Twitter give a holiday in Facebook give a holiday 0 comments Give a holiday in Google Buzz: Links to this post link publish comment provide to older post start side subscribing comments to the post (atom) reader Blog archive * ▼ in 2010 (40) o ▼ December, (8 All the best for the oncoming new year 2011!!!
Concerns:Strafanzeige against the Vodafone and 1&1...
Prime Minister Bouffier puts with his unbeh...
Which politicians also float this time again ne...
Omitted help achievement and considerable Verletzu...
Concerns: Application for shyness against the Amtsg...
Concerns: From the deceitful Vodafone empire practices...
Karl-Helge Hupke and Hans-Georg Haase must go...
* not be possible ► November, (15 Why to the cuckoo solll then...
The Internet platform Wikileaks must her massive one...
No, with civilization that has definitely also rei...
Also Northeimer town holder Wickmann and coolness z...
Lacking Vetrauen in own state - hello Dok, I do not know what I from you think...
Concerns: Charge against the collective verse...
Vice-president of the Bundestag Göring-Eckert is right...
Intentional constraint and räuberische extortion south-from Lower Saxony-justice delivers of wide documents...
The worldwide social damage amounts si...
Ministers of Justice and Barroso ask with Eskimos around A...
Also the FDP Lindner presents itself on television as...
The arbitrary and underhand Laufzeitverläng...
If the worst comes to the worst, 1000 wrongful Gefängnis-str...
* ► October, (17 Also the Minister of Justice from Lower Saxony points sic...
Merkel/Westerwelle and Seehofer appear again...
The avoidance of the Bundesrat with the nuclear climbing out from...
Federal Constitutional Court gets because of vorsätzli...
How poor is especially Germany real???
Already in 2009 the public prosecutor's office had to amtsär...
First is also every described sheet of paper...
Concerns: Charge against the leading colonel...
Executive description and documentation about un...
Repeatedly lets itself police of public prosecutors a...
Schünemann und Co, nevertheless, in action District court of Goettingen and Brunswick OLG cheats...
Concerns: Comprehensive charge against and around there...
Also the Vodafone empire - more exactly said the Vo...
Concerns: Charge against the Wecollect/Saferp...
Documents as a proof to the incredibly scandalous ones...
Constitutional complaint against incredibly verantwort...
About me Thomas Karnasch Hatte as a child by adverse circumstances only rather seldom the feeling seriously what to can do. All people own substantial abilities - Often they know it only not! AND they who believe from themselves, seriously what to können-verlieren then often fast the consciousness for the necessary wide learning!... I have worked nearly 20 years 7 days the week and 350 days in the year - to be able to canalize also immense internal pressure ...... Also there one still said: if they take themselves not too a lot before... And now I can also solve on account of these experiences - social problems substantially better...
My profile completely indicate simpleton's presentation. Powered by Blogger.
Sides * start side * documents as a proof to the incredibly scandalous ones...
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogs...
Wednesday, 22nd December, 2010 All the best for the oncoming new year 2011!!!
http: // verfassungsbeschwerde-gegen-marode-ju.blogspot.com / 2010/12/betrifft-strafanzeige-gegen-die.html
This want to wish, nevertheless, certainly also the representations of the UN security council??? Thus especially the governments of Russia, to the USA, of China, France and Großbritaniens.
With besides studied lawyers Dmitri Medwedew/Vladimirs Putin, Barack Obama, as well as Nicola Sarkozy among other things, in addition, these want to promise the person of course to the new year that especially the juridical deals breaking the banks under oigem link immediately have to find an end!!!
=Sowas is same also in certain sense as a criminal training program to understand with not auzuschließenden violent or even terrorist activities!!!
=Behandle Your people troubles well AND thus you are also well treated mostly anxiously!!!
Unfortunately, it is evident did not understand not only the justice of the Bundesrepublick Germany even yet so far, this nevertheless quite biblical knowledge / wisdom seriously never mind to have turned inward!!!
there have not least been =Kaum 400,000 judicial neighborhood disputes to be believed on account of various juridical Verscheißerungen, more exactly said on account of deliberately juridical fraudulences, only in 2008 in the Bundesrepublick Germany!!!
=Ich assumes from the fact that at least 1/3 must be looked of it than having a lasting effect reflex on such juridical fraudulences.
=Mit to further far-reaching results, how harassment in the workplace or at school among other things!!! =Mit to tremendously far-reaching results for families!!!
=Weiter are natural also especially the studied lawyer Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Guido Westerwelle, Volker Kauder, Rainer Brüderle and C.Wulff and, besides, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Jürgen Trittin, Renate Künast and Gregor Gysi in the duty!!! to prohibit = something like that unverzügkich effective as publicity!!!
AND to ask, further the exclusion of all further fraudulently striking studied lawyers!!! AND, further this criminal and if necessary.
civil-juridically / schaden-ersatzpflichtig are pursued!!!
http: // politiker-unter-kritischer-beobachtun.blogspot.com / 2010/07/bundesprasidentenwahlwulff-nicht.html =Selbstverständlich must go!!! now, finally, an investigating committee around the wrong president take up his dutiful work!!!
Selbiges must also count to among other things Manuel Jose Barroso, Jean-Claude Juncker!!!
If the studied philosopher Herman van Rompuy may have especially alert eyes on it according to his duty!!!
=When not only the called, but also all other Jointly responsible ones these, her duties called here immediately do not follow, then can go out this to be explained already directly to the Persona non grata!!!
=Sind then also terror assistant!
=Be to prompt fulfilling of her duties called here, becomes the world, thus our all home planet not only in the foreseeable future more certainly - separate, also among other things the living together of people will improve!!!
=Mit among other things of the positive concomitant that also the budgets can recover!!!
Then with it is, however, also the increased excuse of the table, for climate protection and developing help money is there barely!!!
BlogThis dispatch with kind regards Thomas Karnasch Eingestellt of Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung around 10:53 this post by e-mail! In Twitter give a holiday in Facebook give a holiday 0 comments Give a holiday in Google Buzz: Links to this post link publish comment provide to older post start side subscribing comments to the post (atom) reader Blog archive * ▼ in 2010 (40) o ▼ December, (8 All the best for the oncoming new year 2011!!!
Concerns:Strafanzeige against the Vodafone and 1&1...
Prime Minister Bouffier puts with his unbeh...
Which politicians also float this time again ne...
Omitted help achievement and considerable Verletzu...
Concerns: Application for shyness against the Amtsg...
Concerns: From the deceitful Vodafone empire practices...
Karl-Helge Hupke and Hans-Georg Haase must go...
* not be possible ► November, (15 Why to the cuckoo solll then...
The Internet platform Wikileaks must her massive one...
No, with civilization that has definitely also rei...
Also Northeimer town holder Wickmann and coolness z...
Lacking Vetrauen in own state - hello Dok, I do not know what I from you think...
Concerns: Charge against the collective verse...
Vice-president of the Bundestag Göring-Eckert is right...
Intentional constraint and räuberische extortion south-from Lower Saxony-justice delivers of wide documents...
The worldwide social damage amounts si...
Ministers of Justice and Barroso ask with Eskimos around A...
Also the FDP Lindner presents itself on television as...
The arbitrary and underhand Laufzeitverläng...
If the worst comes to the worst, 1000 wrongful Gefängnis-str...
* ► October, (17 Also the Minister of Justice from Lower Saxony points sic...
Merkel/Westerwelle and Seehofer appear again...
The avoidance of the Bundesrat with the nuclear climbing out from...
Federal Constitutional Court gets because of vorsätzli...
How poor is especially Germany real???
Already in 2009 the public prosecutor's office had to amtsär...
First is also every described sheet of paper...
Concerns: Charge against the leading colonel...
Executive description and documentation about un...
Repeatedly lets itself police of public prosecutors a...
Schünemann und Co, nevertheless, in action District court of Goettingen and Brunswick OLG cheats...
Concerns: Comprehensive charge against and around there...
Also the Vodafone empire - more exactly said the Vo...
Concerns: Charge against the Wecollect/Saferp...
Documents as a proof to the incredibly scandalous ones...
Constitutional complaint against incredibly verantwort...
About me Thomas Karnasch Hatte as a child by adverse circumstances only rather seldom the feeling seriously what to can do. All people own substantial abilities - Often they know it only not! AND they who believe from themselves, seriously what to können-verlieren then often fast the consciousness for the necessary wide learning!... I have worked nearly 20 years 7 days the week and 350 days in the year - to be able to canalize also immense internal pressure ...... Also there one still said: if they take themselves not too a lot before... And now I can also solve on account of these experiences - social problems substantially better...
My profile completely indicate simpleton's presentation. Powered by Blogger.
Samstag, 14. August 2010
Presidential election / Wulff illegal!
Presidential election / Wulff illegal!
Tuesday, 6. July 2010
Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
To the
Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
per fax broadcast = as a subsequent statement
1.Besonders writing Prosecutor General's Office Brunswick following /.
Context in response to my complaints to the complaint against listed 3 people, restored me
To the
Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
per fax broadcast = as a subsequent statement
1.Besonders writing Prosecutor General's Office Brunswick following /.
Context in response to my complaints to the complaint against listed 3 people, restored me
to the 19.05.09 clearly indicate that at least knowingly replaced the two former people of file
from the year 2004.
AND the third person was just completely omitted.
2 Connection with the District Court Göttingen, writing it a process, an investigation nor a
AND the third person was just completely omitted.
2 Connection with the District Court Göttingen, writing it a process, an investigation nor a
briefing I gave:
= "Arrangement on training" that served so pure massive intimidation.
BEFORE the public prosecutor's Office had ever tried to me an amtsärztlichen analysis.
3. The expressed request for search includes writing the Göttinger law firm.
4.Das newspaper photo underpinned my reproach of the staged Strafbefehls.
This is quite a bit of further evidence.
5.Ferner must now be announced criminal charges against including Lower Saxony State.
6.Soll be placed before the European Court of human rights.
BECAUSE nothing comes from purely politics.
While it would have been seriously responsibly - Wulff said 5 years ago that he not can
= "Arrangement on training" that served so pure massive intimidation.
BEFORE the public prosecutor's Office had ever tried to me an amtsärztlichen analysis.
3. The expressed request for search includes writing the Göttinger law firm.
4.Das newspaper photo underpinned my reproach of the staged Strafbefehls.
This is quite a bit of further evidence.
5.Ferner must now be announced criminal charges against including Lower Saxony State.
6.Soll be placed before the European Court of human rights.
BECAUSE nothing comes from purely politics.
While it would have been seriously responsibly - Wulff said 5 years ago that he not can
dutifully intervene or to ensure that intervention!
WAS also überseutlich shows that the national and international policy to all are only
WAS also überseutlich shows that the national and international policy to all are only
responsible for the State deficits.
Anyway a case brought in the past 7 years some ingenious theories under the policy.
Bedeutert WAS ultimately also and especially, frivolous in purchase taking countless
Anyway a case brought in the past 7 years some ingenious theories under the policy.
Bedeutert WAS ultimately also and especially, frivolous in purchase taking countless
fundamental and human rights violations.
The judiciary is now required!
Moringen, the 29.06.2010
With warm regards Thomas international Aschaffenburg
The judiciary is now required!
Moringen, the 29.06.2010
With warm regards Thomas international Aschaffenburg
Listed by Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internatio recognised philosopher at 11: 08 0 Comments

-Original Nachricht--
By: Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung@gmx.de
Posted: 15.06.2010
To: bverfg@bundesverfassungsgericht.de
Subject: SPIEGEL ONLINE - trouble at the left:
By: Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung@gmx.de
Posted: 15.06.2010
To: bverfg@bundesverfassungsgericht.de
Subject: SPIEGEL ONLINE - trouble at the left:
Constitutional Court will challenge Saarland choice
> This article has been sent to you by Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung@gmx.de with
> personal communication:
> wanton destruction of democracy
> Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
> This article has been sent to you by Politiker-unter-kritischer-Beobachtung@gmx.de with
> personal communication:
> wanton destruction of democracy
> Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
> constitutional complaint against the pending federal election
> is already clear that the upcoming presidential elections neither free nor secret his wird.Und a
certain parallel with the above State election.
> I must particularly the Federal Constitutional Court to draw the attention must be just the Federal Constitutional Court now.
> especially Wulff violated at least as blatantly also and especially human rights, because it just is the
> I must particularly the Federal Constitutional Court to draw the attention must be just the Federal Constitutional Court now.
> especially Wulff violated at least as blatantly also and especially human rights, because it just is the
country of father of the German State Lower Saxony, where I still since my birth live.
I am a wahrheitsliebender person who had to leave many thousand citizens, several times intentional
I am a wahrheitsliebender person who had to leave many thousand citizens, several times intentional
coercion, several times illegal disposal eregehen to horror with false imprisonment at sharable to Wulff.
One of the biggest political scandals of the German post-war history in the least a CDU ex MdL.von
One of the biggest political scandals of the German post-war history in the least a CDU ex MdL.von
Wulff and several judges and prosecutors from
Lower Saxony, Hannover and Braunschweig involved!
Especially it happens also to agreements AmtsGericht Northeim and Prosecutor Göttingen now even
Lower Saxony, Hannover and Braunschweig involved!
Especially it happens also to agreements AmtsGericht Northeim and Prosecutor Göttingen now even
the with a lawyer from Northeim, where its law firm
> some months people = incomprehensible entmachtete former Director of the District Court of
> some months people = incomprehensible entmachtete former Director of the District Court of
Northeim working.
> I accuse Wulff not only in accordance with its responsible duty concerned justice illuminating to
> I accuse Wulff not only in accordance with its responsible duty concerned justice illuminating to
have intervened, but I accuse him to have participated just höchstselbst against me.
> so one may never become either way President.
> at Federal Prosecutor's Office shall charge including against Wulff
> continuation
> Moringen, the 15.06.10 Thomas international Aschaffenburg
> Please note:
> SPIEGEL ONLINE has not verified the identity of the sender
> SPIEGEL ONLINE, 18.08.2009
> trouble at the left: Constitutional Court will challenge Saarland choice
> to the left in the Saarland Neunkirchen candidate performance
> be gemauschelt: voting is neither free nor secret
> been criticized a Constitutional Court. He demands that the
> list retracts and wants the Landtag election contest.
> by Anja Mr
> reach the full article on the Internet at the URL
> http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,643579,00.html
> -
> so one may never become either way President.
> at Federal Prosecutor's Office shall charge including against Wulff
> continuation
> Moringen, the 15.06.10 Thomas international Aschaffenburg
> Please note:
> SPIEGEL ONLINE has not verified the identity of the sender
> SPIEGEL ONLINE, 18.08.2009
> trouble at the left: Constitutional Court will challenge Saarland choice
> to the left in the Saarland Neunkirchen candidate performance
> be gemauschelt: voting is neither free nor secret
> been criticized a Constitutional Court. He demands that the
> list retracts and wants the Landtag election contest.
> by Anja Mr
> reach the full article on the Internet at the URL
> http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,643579,00.html
> -
Listed by Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internatio recognised philosopher at 10: 52 0 Comments

Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
Identity card number of Bundesrepublick Germany: 144717846 6 d
BundesVerfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe
First I would like the ladies and gentlemen constitutional judges and Bundesanwälten explain the
Identity card number of Bundesrepublick Germany: 144717846 6 d
BundesVerfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe
First I would like the ladies and gentlemen constitutional judges and Bundesanwälten explain the
rationale for this constitutional complaint and criminal charges ladies and gentlemen.
In connection with an exceptional performance test results reached at the Georg-August University of Göttingen in 1985, I saw myself about my personal experience, which is again and again much more confirmed the correctness of my thesis in a sense, forced to bring me more and more in the policy:
In connection with an exceptional performance test results reached at the Georg-August University of Göttingen in 1985, I saw myself about my personal experience, which is again and again much more confirmed the correctness of my thesis in a sense, forced to bring me more and more in the policy:
"can recognize exceptional wöhnlich well social cohesion"
So A4 pages happened DIN since spring 2003 through the Association of foreign journalists about
So A4 pages happened DIN since spring 2003 through the Association of foreign journalists about
overall good 1000 now.
Also directly universities/citizens and also churches were contacted by here and others directly.
I'm not just a realist, but I live also largely in the reality in the performance of realitäts-nearby.
What in fact for me personally a curse represents much more than a blessing - or was!
Meantime is managed it with me about a jahrzehnt lasting struggle quite well this 'curse' to deal very
Also directly universities/citizens and also churches were contacted by here and others directly.
I'm not just a realist, but I live also largely in the reality in the performance of realitäts-nearby.
What in fact for me personally a curse represents much more than a blessing - or was!
Meantime is managed it with me about a jahrzehnt lasting struggle quite well this 'curse' to deal very
well usable strategies.
Which ultimately also means my skills for my unusually sober perception even have improved.
Ultimately this 'curse' serious lack psychological skills on the part of the medical profession from
Which ultimately also means my skills for my unusually sober perception even have improved.
Ultimately this 'curse' serious lack psychological skills on the part of the medical profession from
1969 is back.
The conclusion is straightforward:
If a child with death struggle and as a result of the subconscious secondary life requirements such as
The conclusion is straightforward:
If a child with death struggle and as a result of the subconscious secondary life requirements such as
running and speaking so to speak - off more vitality to pure life-support to bundle then might the
logical conclusion only look: time-so a child needs more time to regenerate!
To do this and to detect thousands of connections it requires nunmal unravel also speak invisible!
I like many others that is expressed I am converted with permanent heart racing with up to 300 beats
To do this and to detect thousands of connections it requires nunmal unravel also speak invisible!
I like many others that is expressed I am converted with permanent heart racing with up to 300 beats
per minute by the area for decades.
What a breaking of my will of that my personality in a manner resulted hatte.Was again the influx of
What a breaking of my will of that my personality in a manner resulted hatte.Was again the influx of
external influences on my personality much more and much more intense allows hat(Fluch).
Anyway, it has been packed seriously I contact a politician nor a Journalie.
This I take me itself also does not begin as important as the largely himself.
Affect more naked truths überfordernt people who rather reviling the truths, so such???
Both the national and international politicians alleged elites and the national and international
Anyway, it has been packed seriously I contact a politician nor a Journalie.
This I take me itself also does not begin as important as the largely himself.
Affect more naked truths überfordernt people who rather reviling the truths, so such???
Both the national and international politicians alleged elites and the national and international
journalists alleged elites want nothing wissen(...) from the Wahrheitem actually.
The collective years of abuse in the companies committed by just above alleged elites, is in its scope
The collective years of abuse in the companies committed by just above alleged elites, is in its scope
much wider than the already serious abuse Church owned including.
The companies have been tampered with in collective in frenzy of rampant capitalism, particularly
The companies have been tampered with in collective in frenzy of rampant capitalism, particularly
over the last decades in the truest sense!
What means:
The political and media in the broader sense are able their obligations to each company mostly, also
What means:
The political and media in the broader sense are able their obligations to each company mostly, also
only partly to kommen(...).
If only half implemented the from popular sound ideas here, then a bad weather day would have
If only half implemented the from popular sound ideas here, then a bad weather day would have
been the financial crisis more:
The so-called BAD BANKS have been paraphrased from here and the Obama administration
The so-called BAD BANKS have been paraphrased from here and the Obama administration
acted 2 days later.
Quite different but here: "we need no BAD BANKS"-added it especially by Steinbrück geheißen(...).
Quite different but here: "we need no BAD BANKS"-added it especially by Steinbrück geheißen(...).
Wat then only over 100 days later and very much teurer(...).
The Black Yellow have a on their election to the last federal election in manner in insidious way
The Black Yellow have a on their election to the last federal election in manner in insidious way
against the own company to come to power.
The last presidential election was actually fraud!
AND now that put onto another with Wulff = incredible wanton damage the Demokratie(...).
DOING this is still under suspicion of corruption.
Also reflected incapable Wulff as lower land father over 5 years in perceiving his enlightening,
The last presidential election was actually fraud!
AND now that put onto another with Wulff = incredible wanton damage the Demokratie(...).
DOING this is still under suspicion of corruption.
Also reflected incapable Wulff as lower land father over 5 years in perceiving his enlightening,
intrusive and abhelfenden duties to the relevant Justice: this shy as certain truths more than nearly
the devil the holy water.
The Wulff is Middle so deeply in one of the biggest scandals of the German post-war history!
AND its prey power circular set up these as candidates for the highest office in the State.
The Wulff is Middle so deeply in one of the biggest scandals of the German post-war history!
AND its prey power circular set up these as candidates for the highest office in the State.
= unbelievable scandal !
AND the media know detailed for over 5 years - have flogged but similar to the alleged politician
AND the media know detailed for over 5 years - have flogged but similar to the alleged politician
elites of their own greed their souls and their educational duties towards the citizens inside to
erfüllen(...) are its nor able as a result.
The truthful evidence provided is the next days:
Further evidence is already evident: particularly lawyers book not long to bring to silence others =
The truthful evidence provided is the next days:
Further evidence is already evident: particularly lawyers book not long to bring to silence others =
of Wulff directly in nothing.
His party and friends of justice are intervened but repeatedly in the Stasi!
With warm regards Thomas international Aschaffenburg
My basic understanding the next Federal must also
President be serious candidates proposals directly elected by the people.
His party and friends of justice are intervened but repeatedly in the Stasi!
With warm regards Thomas international Aschaffenburg
My basic understanding the next Federal must also
President be serious candidates proposals directly elected by the people.
Listed by Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internatio recognised philosopher to 10: 39 0 Comments

Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
Identity card number of Bundesrepublick Germany: 144717846 6 d
At the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
At the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe
National and international politicians assume almost even to plan for the future.
In many places a rigour has been announced and with the remarkable grounds because it allegedly
Identity card number of Bundesrepublick Germany: 144717846 6 d
At the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
At the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe
National and international politicians assume almost even to plan for the future.
In many places a rigour has been announced and with the remarkable grounds because it allegedly
excessively otherwise geht(...).
Policy is of course very anyway take komliziert and responsibility.
A certain thrift is but actually always appropriate!
Not only in the Bundesrepublick Germany the current crisis was partially almost deliberately provoked: requiring Kam and others after a wealth tax - so have black or yellow politician even in aggressive
Policy is of course very anyway take komliziert and responsibility.
A certain thrift is but actually always appropriate!
Not only in the Bundesrepublick Germany the current crisis was partially almost deliberately provoked: requiring Kam and others after a wealth tax - so have black or yellow politician even in aggressive
manner from a gehetzt(...) envy debate.
To talk about social justice one thing - is it 2. but understood to have and it 3. But what else is really noticeable action to think.
The current Coalitionists in the Federal Government are but felt far away! Only they do not feel that unfortunately mostly.
Must be spoken because of a certain dullness or unfortunately rather a certain off Gezocktheit???
Judging by what has happened here in Lower Saxony by the policy under Wulff must - spoken not
To talk about social justice one thing - is it 2. but understood to have and it 3. But what else is really noticeable action to think.
The current Coalitionists in the Federal Government are but felt far away! Only they do not feel that unfortunately mostly.
Must be spoken because of a certain dullness or unfortunately rather a certain off Gezocktheit???
Judging by what has happened here in Lower Saxony by the policy under Wulff must - spoken not
only dullness/off Gezocktheit but also repeated abuse of democracy.
Over 6 years new schools were banned = U N R A S S B A R!
First Minister of culture was allowed to play lawyer Bernd Busemann 4 years and now must lawyer
Elisabeth HEISTER Neumann have been over a year, Minister of culture play = not only is terrible-
Over 6 years new schools were banned = U N R A S S B A R!
First Minister of culture was allowed to play lawyer Bernd Busemann 4 years and now must lawyer
Elisabeth HEISTER Neumann have been over a year, Minister of culture play = not only is terrible-
but this incompetence to see had to almost inevitably lead to more complicated forms just because
threatened overexertion are summarily banned = the ignorant politicians just more invisible effects of
such authoritarian Selbstgefälligkeiten, go retroactively for each year in the 2 billion range!
From Gezocktheit must be about but in any case, when Elisabeth HEISTER Neumann as against
From Gezocktheit must be about but in any case, when Elisabeth HEISTER Neumann as against
better knowledge Minister of culture (which it wanted to be impossible according to media messages).
Prime Minister Wulff was previously notified that it is not only to democracy abuse - but that in a
Prime Minister Wulff was previously notified that it is not only to democracy abuse - but that in a
such a future-dependent area - such as the schools - only recognized professionals in question can
Almost the entire CDU Federal Executive Board's interest had that action against me.
To the regional election in Lower Saxony, Germany the 28.01.08: the SPD is machtbesessen =
Almost the entire CDU Federal Executive Board's interest had that action against me.
To the regional election in Lower Saxony, Germany the 28.01.08: the SPD is machtbesessen =
"but the CDU is worse" who about 200 sent fax letter not only to result the Göttinger Ex.MdL and
Wulff friend h.n. (whose firm was starting point of my stubborn resistance with subsequent
persecution) more-sondern 5 South Niedersächsische CDU politician were elected by the citizens
from the Parliament.
Actually I would have must - make even further because Wulff & co the still existing corruption
Actually I would have must - make even further because Wulff & co the still existing corruption
suspicion is known since 2005.
However, since there are actually cooking no serious opposition in the Lower Saxony Regional
However, since there are actually cooking no serious opposition in the Lower Saxony Regional
Assembly, I preferred to not continue.
Not only Wulff, the Lower Saxony CDU are still under an obligation - just illuminating intervene!
= So ripped off as the has expired - it can all no doubt for me type that there are still more cases!
= Who somehow not permits even after over 5 years, to his own duty
understand and to act - a lot of his person in question is anyway.
As well as the entire CDU!
As well as the entire Lower Saxony Parliament!
As well as the entire parliamentary Bureau!
What is already a serious embarrassment for the alleged democratic legal State (legal Government democracy)!
A President Wulff would virtually seal regierungsunfähigkeit of the Federal Government!
Not only Wulff, the Lower Saxony CDU are still under an obligation - just illuminating intervene!
= So ripped off as the has expired - it can all no doubt for me type that there are still more cases!
= Who somehow not permits even after over 5 years, to his own duty
understand and to act - a lot of his person in question is anyway.
As well as the entire CDU!
As well as the entire Lower Saxony Parliament!
As well as the entire parliamentary Bureau!
What is already a serious embarrassment for the alleged democratic legal State (legal Government democracy)!
A President Wulff would virtually seal regierungsunfähigkeit of the Federal Government!
AND a revealed oath gleichkommen(...).
Fraud just to proliferates in the Internet alone.
AND often lawyers act here as money collectors
= Clear statement!
Prevented lawyers of Justice intentionally involved in fraud come "guaranteed" as lawyers no leg.
Fraud just to proliferates in the Internet alone.
AND often lawyers act here as money collectors
= Clear statement!
Prevented lawyers of Justice intentionally involved in fraud come "guaranteed" as lawyers no leg.
= more down to Earth and the 10 billion annual special savings come so(BIP)locker of alone together!
Clear statement!
All citizens that bring in addition false accusations to the criminal complaint - have to pay the Bill!
AND this form of prevention brings in the medium term a total 100 billion per year and the nerves
Clear statement!
All citizens that bring in addition false accusations to the criminal complaint - have to pay the Bill!
AND this form of prevention brings in the medium term a total 100 billion per year and the nerves
of judges and prosecutors will be spared!
Part 4 follows the days.
Best regards Thomas International Aschaffenburg
Part 4 follows the days.
Best regards Thomas International Aschaffenburg
Listed by Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internatio recognised philosopher at 10: 35 0 Comments

Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internationally recognised philosopher
Identity card number of Bundesrepublick Germany: 144717846 6 d
At the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
At the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe [http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/organisation/aufgaben.html]
The very impressive display of tasks of the Federal Constitutional Court on above link should be the
At the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
At the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe [http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/organisation/aufgaben.html]
The very impressive display of tasks of the Federal Constitutional Court on above link should be the
measure of all things but especially also for the centres of power in politics and media!
Finally they wear a huge responsibility towards the own company!
It is however difficult the own behavior constantly to oversee their own what is said.
Just there so the priceless achievement of "freedom of expression"!
Actually the also priceless achievement "Press freedom" must be called to!
But to what extent the freedom of expression in these media power circles is ever given???
Should you but actually in any case, particularly also the opinions of public people play media want
Finally they wear a huge responsibility towards the own company!
It is however difficult the own behavior constantly to oversee their own what is said.
Just there so the priceless achievement of "freedom of expression"!
Actually the also priceless achievement "Press freedom" must be called to!
But to what extent the freedom of expression in these media power circles is ever given???
Should you but actually in any case, particularly also the opinions of public people play media want
and then also need.
If but responsible chief editors - led too little by real human personalities which, is also aware that
If but responsible chief editors - led too little by real human personalities which, is also aware that
especially in the opinion filled nunmal very influential performers just media-real freedom of
expression be unconditional part of daily work everyday life must necessarily desirable is, then the
risk of unverantwort from doing and action on the part of this responsible lurks of course.
AND at worst it runs then like Hesse election:
One of probably harshest representatives of the German post-war history (in its effect) had previously
AND at worst it runs then like Hesse election:
One of probably harshest representatives of the German post-war history (in its effect) had previously
2 times abused also overstrained but also certainly to irresponsible media for his aide-purposes!
What has made even clear that too little take responsibility for their actions and action whose makers
What has made even clear that too little take responsibility for their actions and action whose makers
- and then my experience rather tend to impose a muzzle more its with editors/journalists.
From here also attempt enlighten people in Hesse.
The today's Hesse SPD Chairman after the Bundestag election last September: the Hesse SPD
From here also attempt enlighten people in Hesse.
The today's Hesse SPD Chairman after the Bundestag election last September: the Hesse SPD
would truncates it best all national associations.
What clearly to me that people have understood the importance of truth often more than the above
What clearly to me that people have understood the importance of truth often more than the above
power circle the importance.
Politicians and media people sometimes very often meet with same people based other - what not
Politicians and media people sometimes very often meet with same people based other - what not
only a certain dullness with can bring - but unfortunately obviously very often has resulted.Reporting
on the churches-including because of lower importance far less is reported is remarkable.
AND also plays usually FMLN popularity in the reporting equipment often essential:
AND now the media would take measured tremendously the power circuit to Wulff where what is communicated from here, cross-examined!
Wulff has repeatedly called for after a "Warnschuss arrest" to young people - without having only
AND also plays usually FMLN popularity in the reporting equipment often essential:
AND now the media would take measured tremendously the power circuit to Wulff where what is communicated from here, cross-examined!
Wulff has repeatedly called for after a "Warnschuss arrest" to young people - without having only
initial idea of youth.
= Young people are not potential voters
Unfortunately it is in turn so that the Wulffsche power apparatus has made this quite deliberately to
= Young people are not potential voters
Unfortunately it is in turn so that the Wulffsche power apparatus has made this quite deliberately to
the medial inadequacy = A serious shame for the Wulffs that much and often reminded undemocratic behaviour towards others.
What not only to suspect is that the authorities from politics and the media have often understood the Constitution actually not correctly.
To more memorize passages not sufficient just often!
In philosophy, such understanding is obviously far less difficult since the meaning or purpose of
What not only to suspect is that the authorities from politics and the media have often understood the Constitution actually not correctly.
To more memorize passages not sufficient just often!
In philosophy, such understanding is obviously far less difficult since the meaning or purpose of
philosophizing especially it is just more more carefully deal with ambiguous to beweisenden
What but also the sense of genuine freedom of expression and also the sense of real freedom of the
What but also the sense of genuine freedom of expression and also the sense of real freedom of the
press! AND because needs but each company again to find else arises their existence as a whole
again and continually increasing in question!
I consider not only the State of this society as critical.
= What we must do!
Also and especially basic Gesetzwidrigkeiten of power circles if necessary by constitutional
I consider not only the State of this society as critical.
= What we must do!
Also and especially basic Gesetzwidrigkeiten of power circles if necessary by constitutional
complaint bring to stop!
Likewise, in how far dominated politics of public ARD and ZDF to their purposes? See the out-of Vorabaufzeichnungen "AnneWill" and "Maybrit Illner" Angela Merkel.
Politicians must and should take privileges to complete because of its importance!
BUT nothing more despite must this be measured but also on their best behavior!
AND in the CDU politician C.Wulff wrong in addition for over 5 years a lot not only - but these
Likewise, in how far dominated politics of public ARD and ZDF to their purposes? See the out-of Vorabaufzeichnungen "AnneWill" and "Maybrit Illner" Angela Merkel.
Politicians must and should take privileges to complete because of its importance!
BUT nothing more despite must this be measured but also on their best behavior!
AND in the CDU politician C.Wulff wrong in addition for over 5 years a lot not only - but these
but in addition almost disqualified for the highest office in the State!
Why and how could it be possible that the lawyer Giseltraud Schmitz from the law firm of the
Why and how could it be possible that the lawyer Giseltraud Schmitz from the law firm of the
mentioned CDU ex member Harald Noack at the same time also Prosecutor and judge in Göttingen
and Hanover "was" presentation-Internet is deleted???
Probably this Harald Noack threatened me therefore just Court and Staatsanwaltschaft.Weil of this
Probably this Harald Noack threatened me therefore just Court and Staatsanwaltschaft.Weil of this
obviously had very good contacts there.
Unfortunately its threat is already frightening primitive jaded.
AND why do I get at once so inhuman writing District Court Göttingen???
To disappear with clearly increasing intimidation me behind closed walls???
As for me the Amtsgericht Northeim responsible would be!
Why has the Nörtener police officer declined in 2004 my criminal charges against this Giseltraud
Unfortunately its threat is already frightening primitive jaded.
AND why do I get at once so inhuman writing District Court Göttingen???
To disappear with clearly increasing intimidation me behind closed walls???
As for me the Amtsgericht Northeim responsible would be!
Why has the Nörtener police officer declined in 2004 my criminal charges against this Giseltraud
Schmitz record???
Then the then receiving Justizangestellte Prosecutor Göttingen
: = "this is not possible, this is law" both raised questions
The subsequent procedures of Göttingen Prosecutor and Court Göttingen is however shocking:
Then the then receiving Justizangestellte Prosecutor Göttingen
: = "this is not possible, this is law" both raised questions
The subsequent procedures of Göttingen Prosecutor and Court Göttingen is however shocking:
I had Schmitz on a recommendation from the Würrttembergischen legal expenses insurance to
inspect a file first aufgesucht- So I knew neither it nor as logically not the content of the file.
Why both my fundamental rights very seriously would need to protect public prosecutor's Office as
Why both my fundamental rights very seriously would need to protect public prosecutor's Office as
also District Court and had against this massively do.
Finally I can have demanded all no advice if I just advice namely the file contents not could know the
Finally I can have demanded all no advice if I just advice namely the file contents not could know the
occasion one!
Anyway, I showed reasoned determination why Schmitz took more and more to not only illegal but
Anyway, I showed reasoned determination why Schmitz took more and more to not only illegal but
rather still moronic practice: applied to a fraudulent claim amount of 213,00 Euro(Akteneinsicht_
55,00_Euro) including search and
= illegally-because the annual premium payable by me was already higher on the legal protection
= illegally-because the annual premium payable by me was already higher on the legal protection
insurance and clearly suggested that I had to have sufficient financial resources!
= Disciplinary action against Schmitz actually due.
= There coercion against my person.
= There clear signs that must close on extensive submission.
= Ultimately needs but also the policy helped that even a person just could be lawyer/judge,
= Disciplinary action against Schmitz actually due.
= There coercion against my person.
= There clear signs that must close on extensive submission.
= Ultimately needs but also the policy helped that even a person just could be lawyer/judge,
Prosecutor, into one!
What close out can be that there are power circle with selfish behind thoughts in the works.
See the work verweigernde prosecution Hannover and others.
AND as a provincial government for the caring good of society must intervene just naturally!
The extension related document number with my complaints gint on Monday.
I must ask that neither a lawyer nor criminal investigators were willing to pursue this scandal also
What close out can be that there are power circle with selfish behind thoughts in the works.
See the work verweigernde prosecution Hannover and others.
AND as a provincial government for the caring good of society must intervene just naturally!
The extension related document number with my complaints gint on Monday.
I must ask that neither a lawyer nor criminal investigators were willing to pursue this scandal also
especially considering the fact, to transmit just Unverständlichkeiten or imperfections my documents
quick remediation to me!
Of course I will strive then revised according to submit them.
I thank you in advance for your understanding on the further fact that there is hardly a good shape
Of course I will strive then revised according to submit them.
I thank you in advance for your understanding on the further fact that there is hardly a good shape
without legal counsel!
It is also civic duty in good people in prevent damage this time from the whole of society.
Moringen, the 27.06.2010
Thomas international Aschaffenburg
It is also civic duty in good people in prevent damage this time from the whole of society.
Moringen, the 27.06.2010
Thomas international Aschaffenburg
Listed by Thomas international Aschaffenburg, internatio recognised philosopher around 10: 24 0 Comments

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Bundespräsidentenwahl/ Wulff nicht rechtmäßig!
Dienstag, 6.
Juli 2010
Thomas Karnasch,international anerkannter Philosoph
An das
Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
per Faxsendung = als nachträgliche Erläuterung
1.Besonders die Schreiben der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig im Anschluss/
Zusammenhang als Antwort auf meine Beschwerden,in Bezug auf die von mir am 19.05.09 erstattete Strafanzeige gegen aufgeführte 3 Personen,zeigen deutlich auf, dass mindestens wissentlich die beiden ersteren Personen über Akte aus dem Jahre 2004 ersetzt wurden.
UND die dritte Person gleich ganz weggelassen wurde.
2.Im Zusammenhang mit den Schreiben vom Amtsgericht Göttingen,hat es weder einen Prozess,eine Untersuchung noch eine Einweisung von mir gegeben :
" Anordnung auf Einweisung" = das diente also der reinen massiven Einschüchterung.
DAVOR hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft schonmal versucht,mich zu einer amtsärztlichen Untersuchung zu nötigen.
3.Das Schreiben der Göttinger Anwaltskanzlei beinhaltet den vorgebrachten Antrag auf Durchsuchung.
4.Das Zeitungsfoto untermauert meinen Vorwurf des inszenierten Strafbefehls.
Hier liegt noch einiges an weiterem Beweismaterial.
5.Ferner muss jetzt die angekündigte Strafanzeige gegen u.a. niedersächsisches Landesparlament kommen.
6.Soll das jetzt auch vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte gebracht werden.
WEIL von der Politik rein garnichts kommt.
Dabei wäre es ernsthaft verantwortungsvoll gewesen-wenn Wulff schon vor 5 Jahren gesagt hätte,dass er es nicht kann-pflichtgemäß einzugreifen,bzw. dafür Sorge tragen,das eingegriffen wird !!!
WAS auch überseutlich aufzeigt,das die nationale wie internationale Politik zu aller erst für die Staats-defizite verantwortlich sind.
Immerhin wurden in den vergangenen 7 Jahren eine Hülle von teilweise genialen Thesen unter die Politik gebracht.
WAS letztendlich auch und besonders bedeutert,leichtfertiges Inkaufnehmen von unzähligen Grundrechts und Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Die Justiz ist jetzt gefordert !!!
Moringen,den 29.06.2010
Mit herzlichen Grüßen Thomas Karnasch
Eingestellt von Thomas Karnasch,internatio. anerkannter Philosoph
um 11:08
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: thomaskarnasch@web.de
Gesendet: 15.06.2010
An: bverfg@bundesverfassungsgericht.de
Betreff: SPIEGEL ONLINE - Ärger bei den Linken: Verfassungsrichter will Saarland-Wahl anfechten
>Dieser Artikel wurde Ihnen geschickt von thomaskarnasch@web.de mit
>der persönlichen Mitteilung:
> Mutwillige Zerstörung der Demokratie
> Thomas Karnasch,international anerkannter Philosoph
> Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen die anstehen.Bundespräsidentenwahl
> Schon jetzt ist klar,dass die anstehende Bundespräsidentenwahl weder frei noch geheim sein wird.Und damit besteht eine gewisse Parallele zur obigen Landtagswahl .
> Ich darf deshalb besonders das Bundesverfassungsgericht darauf aufmerksam machen,dass eben das Bundesverfassungsgericht jetzt dazu handeln muss.
> Zumal Wulff mindestens in der Form eklatant auch und besonders gegen Menschenrechte verstoßen hat,da dieser eben der Landesvater des Bundeslandes Niedersachsen ist,in dem ich immer noch seit meiner Geburt wohne.
Im Gegesatz zu Wulff bin ich ein wahrheitsliebender Mensch,der zum Entsetzen vieler Tausend Bürger,mehrere Male vorsätzliche Nötigung,mehrere Male rechtswidrige Rechtsbeugung mit Freiheitsberaubung über sich eregehen lassen musste.
Einer der größten Politik-Skandale der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte,in den nachweislich mindestens ein CDU Ex MdL.von Wulff sowie mehrere Richter und Staatsanwälte aus
Südniedersachsen,Hannover und Braunschweig verwickelt sind !!!
Zumal geht es desweiteren um Absprachen von AmtsGericht Northeim und Staatsanwaltschaft Göttingen mit einem Rechtsanwalt aus Northeim,bei dem in dessen Kanzlei jetzt sogar der vor
> einigen Monaten von den Bürgern entmachtete ehemalige Direktor des Amtsgerichts Northeim mitarbeitet.=Unfassbar
> Ich werfe Wulff vor,nicht nur nicht gemäß seiner verantwortlichen Pflicht in die betreffende Justiz aufklärend eingegriffen zu haben,sondern ich beschuldige ihn auch eben höchstselbst gegen mich mitgewirkt zu haben.
> So einer darf so oder so niemals Bundespräsident zu werden.
> Strafanzeige u.a. gegen Wulff bei Bundesanwaltschaft erstattet
> Fortsetzung folgt
> Moringen,den 15.06.10 Thomas Karnasch
>Bitte beachten Sie:
>SPIEGEL ONLINE hat die Identität des Absenders nicht überprüft
>SPIEGEL ONLINE, 18.08.2009
>Ärger bei den Linken: Verfassungsrichter will Saarland-Wahl anfechten
>Bei der Kandidatenkür der Linken im saarländischen Neunkirchen soll
>gemauschelt worden sein: Die Abstimmung sei weder frei noch geheim
>gewesen, kritisiert ein Verfassungsrichter.
Er fordert, dass die
>Liste zurückgezogen wird und will die Landtagswahl anfechten.
>Von Anja Herr
>Den vollständigen Artikel erreichen Sie im Internet unter der URL
Expressantwort an thomaskarnasch@web.de
Eingestellt von Thomas Karnasch,internatio. anerkannter Philosoph
um 10:52
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Thomas Karnasch,international anerkannter Philosoph
Personalausweisnummer der Bundesrepublick Deutschland : 144717846 6D
BundesVerfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
Bundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe
Zunächst möchte ich den Damen und Herren Verfassungsrichtern,sowie den Damen und Herren Bundesanwälten die Beweggründe zu dieser Verfassungsbeschwerde und Strafanzeige erläutern.
Im Zusammenhang mit einem außergewöhnlichen Leistungstest-Ergebnis,erziehlt an der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen aus dem Jahre 1985,sah ich mich auch über meine persönlichen Erfahrungen,womit sich wieder und wieder viel mehr die Richtigkeit meiner Thesen bestätigten, in gewisser Weise gezwungen mich mehr und mehr in die Politik einzubringen : "kann außerge-wöhnlich gut soziale Zusammenhänge erkennen"
Was also seit dem Frühjahr 2003 über jetzt den Verband der ausländischen Journalisten über insgesamt gut 1000 DIN A4 Seiten geschehen ist.
Außerdem wurden von hier aus direkt Universitäten/Bürgerinitiativen und auch Kirchen u.a. direkt angeschrieben.
Ich bin nicht nur Realist,sondern ich lebe auch weitestgehend in der Realität-in der realitäts- nahen Wahrnehmung.
Was in Wirklichkeit für mich persönlich viel mehr ein Fluch als einen Segen darstellt-bzw. darstellte !!!
Mitlerweile ist es mir über einen jahrzehnteandauernden Kampf ganz gut gelungen-mit diesem"Fluch"umzugehen-ganz gut brauchbare Strategien zu entwickeln.
Was letztendlich auch bedeutet,dass sich meine Fähigkeiten bezüglich meiner außergewöhnlich nüchternen Wahrnehmung noch um einiges verbessert haben.
Letztendlich ist dieser"Fluch"auf gravierende fehlende psychologische Fähigkeiten seitens der Ärzteschaft von 1969 zurück zu führen.
Dabei ist die Schlussfolgerung relativ unkompliziert :
Wenn ein Kind mit dem Tode ringt und infolge dessen über das Unterbewußtsein die sekundären Lebensvoraussetzungen wie Laufen und Sprechen sozusagen abgeschaltet werden-um so mehr Lebensenergie zur reinen Lebenserhaltung zu bündeln-dann kann die logische Schlussfolgerung nur lauten : ZEIT-so ein Kind braucht umso mehr Zeit zum Regenerieren !!!
Dazu und zum Erkennen Tausender Zusammenhänge ist es nunmal erforderlich,auch sozusagen Unsichtbares zu enträtseln !!!
Bei mir wie bei vielen anderen äußerte sich das darin,dass ich jahrzehntelang mit permanentem Herzrasen mit bis zu 300 Schlägen/Minute durch die Gegend gewandelt bin.
Was ein Brechen meines Willens,meiner Persönlichkeit in gewissem Sinne zur Folge hatte.Was wiederum das Einströmen äußerer Einflüsse auf meine Persönlichkeit viel eher und viel intensiver ermöglicht hat(Fluch).
Jedenfalls hat es weder ein Politiker noch eine Journalie bisher gepackt-ernsthaft Kontakt zu mir aufzunehmen.
Dabei nehme ich mich selbst auch nicht ansatzweise so wichtig wie die zum größten Teil sich.
Wirken vermehrt nackte Wahrheiten auf Menschen die die Wahrheiten eher verschmähen,so derart überfordernt ???
Sowohl die nationalen wie internationalen angeblichen Politiker-Eliten,als auch die nationalen wie internationalen angeblichen Journalisten-Eliten wollen von den Wahrheitem eigentlich garnichts wissen(...).
Der kollektive jahrelange Missbrauch an den Gesellschaften,begangen von eben oben erwähnten angeblichen Eliten,ist in seiner Tragweite um ein vielfaches weitreichender, als der schon schlimme Missbrauch in kirchlicher Trägerschaft u.a.
Die Gesellschaften wurden im Kollektiv auch im Rausch des ausufernden Kapitalismus, besonders über die letzten Jahrzehnte hinweg,im wahrsten Sinne manipuliert !!!
Was im Klartext bedeutet :
Das weder Politik und Medien im weiteren Sinne in der Lage sind,ihren Pflichten gegenüber einer jeden Gesellschaft zumeist,auch nur ansatzweise nach zu kommen(...).
Wären nur die Hälfte der von hier aus verbreiteten fundierten Thesen entsprechend umgesetzt worden,dann wäre die Finanzkrise mehr ein Schlechtwettertag geblieben :
Die sogenanten BAD-BANKS wurden von hier aus umschrieben UND die Obama-Administration hat 2 Tage später gehandelt.
Ganz anders jedoch hier : "Wir brauchen keine BAD-BANKS"-hat es besonders von Steinbrück geheißen(...).
Kam dann erst über 100 Tage später UND sehr viel teurer(...).
Die Schwarz-Gelben haben über ihren Wahlkampf zur vergangenen Bundestagswahl-in gewissem Sinne in hinterhältiger Weise gegen die eigene Gesellschaft geputscht um an die Macht zu kommen.
Auch die vergangene Bundespräsidentenwahl war eigentlich schon Wahlbetrug !!!
UND jetzt setzen die mit Wulff noch einen drauf = unfassbare mutwillige Beschädigung der Demokratie(...).
DABEI steht auch dieser immer noch unter Korruptions-Verdacht.
Ferner zeigt sich Wulff als niedersächsischer Landesvater schon seit über 5 Jahren unfähig im Wahrnehmen seiner aufklärenden,eingreifenden und abhelfenden Pflichten gegenüber der betreffenden Justiz : diese scheuen wie er gewisse Wahrheiten mehr als beinah der Teufel das Weihwasser.
Wulff steckt also in einem der größten Skandale der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte tief mitten drin !!!
UND seine machtbesessenen Machtzirkel stellen diesen als Kandidaten für das höchste Amt im Staate auf = Unfassbarer Skandal
UND die Medien wissen detailliert seit über 5 Jahren davon-haben aber ähnlich wie die angeblichen Politiker-Eliten über ihre eigene Gier ihre Seelen verhökert UND sind infolge dessen ebensowenig in der Lage ihre aufklärenden Pflichten gegenüber den Bürger-Innen zu erfüllen(...).
Die wahrheitsgemäße Beweiserbringung erfolgt die nächsten Tage :
Ein weiterer Beweis ist schon jetzt ersichtlich : Besonders Rechtsanwälte fackeln nicht lange um andere zum Schweigen zu bringen = von Wulff direkt rein garnichts
Seine Partei- und Justizfreunde sind aber in Stasi-Manier wiederholt tätig geworden !!!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen Thomas Karnasch
Nach meinem Grundgesetz-Verständnis müssen darüber hinaus die nächsten Bundes-
präsidenten nach ernsthaften Kandidaten-Vorschlägen direkt vom Volke gewählt werden.
Eingestellt von Thomas Karnasch,internatio. anerkannter Philosoph
um 10:39
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Thomas Karnasch,international anerkannter Philosoph
Personalausweisnummer der Bundesrepublick Deutschland : 144717846 6D
An das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
An die Bundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe
Nationale wie internationale Politiker unterstellen sich beinah selbst,eigentlich nur für die eigene Zukunft zu planen.
Vielerorts ist ein Sparzwang angekündigt UND das mit der bemerkenswerten Begründung-weil es angeblich garnicht anders geht(...).
Natürlich ist Politik sehr komliziert und Verantwortung zu übernehmen sowieso.
Eine gewisse Sparsamkeit ist doch aber eigentlich immer angebracht !!!
Nicht nur in der Bundesrepublick Deutschland wurde die aktuelle Krise teilweise beinah vorsätzlich provoziert : Kam u.a. die Forderung nach einer Vermögenssteuer - so haben schwarz oder gelbe Politiker teilweise sogar in agressiver Weise von einer Neiddebatte gehetzt(...).
Von sozialer Gerechtigkeit zu reden ist eine Sache - es 2.
aber verstanden zu haben und es 3.
auch wirklich über spürbares Handeln so zu meinen ist aber doch was anderes.
Davon sind die aktuellen Koalitionäre in der Bundesregierung aber doch spürbar weit entfernt !!!
Nur sie selbst spüren das bedauerlicherweise zumeist nicht.
Muss da von einer gewissen Abgestumpftheit oder doch leider eher von einer gewissen Abgezocktheit gesprochen werden ???
Gemessen an dem,was hier in Niedersachsen durch die Politik unter Wulff geschehen ist,muss doch nicht nur von Abgestumpftheit/Abgezocktheit gesprochen werden-sondern auch von wiederholtem Demokratiemissbrauch.
Über 6 Jahre wurden neue Gesamtschulen verboten = U N F A S S B A R !!!
Erst durfte Jurist Bernd Busemann 4 Jahre Kultusminister spielen UND jetzt darf Juristin
Elisabeth Heister-Neumann schon seit über einem Jahr Kultusministerin spielen = Ist nicht nur U N F A S S B A R - sondern diese nicht zu übersehende Inkompetenz musste beinah zwangsläufig dazu führen,dass kompliziertere Schulformen eben wegen drohender Überanstrengung kurzerhand verboten wurden = Die für unwissende Politiker eben vermehrt unsichtbaren Folgen solcher autoritären Selbstgefälligkeiten, gehen rückwirkend für jedes Jahr in den 2stelligen Milliardenbereich !!!
Von Abgezocktheit muss aber in jedem Fall gesprochen werden,wenn Elisabeth Heister-Neumann wie geschehen,wider besseren Wissens Kultusministerin wird(die es laut Medien-Meldungen garnicht werden wollte).
Ministerpräsident Wulff wurde vorher mitgeteilt-dass es sich hierbei nicht nur um Demokratiemissbrauch handelt - sondern das in einem derart zukunftsabhängigen Gebiet - wie der Schulpädagogik - nur anerkanntes Fachpersonal in Frage kommen kann.-
Beinah der gesamte CDU Bundesvorstand hat ein Interesse daran gehabt-dass gegen mich vorgegangen wurde.
U.a. zur Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen am 28.01.08 : "die SPD ist machtbesessen aber die CDU ist noch schlimmer" = Die etwa 200 verschickten Fax-Schreiben hatten nicht nur zur Folge,dass der Göttinger Ex.MdL und Wulff-Freund H.N.(dessen Kanzlei war ausgangspunkt meiner hartnäckigen Gegenwehr mit nachfolgender Verfolgung)-sondern 5 weitere südniedersächsische CDU Landtagsabgeordnete von den BürgerInnen aus dem Landtag gewählt wurden.
Eigentlich hätte ich noch weiter machen müssen-weil Wulff & Co der nach wie vor bestehende Korruptionsverdacht seit 2005 bekannt ist.
Doch,da es eigentlich garkeine ernsthafte Opposition im niedersächsischen Landtag gibt,habe ich es vorgezogen nicht weiter zu machen.
Nicht nur Wulff und die niedersächsische CDU stehen nach wie vor in der Pflicht - eben aufklärend einzugreifen !!!
=So abgezockt wie das abgelaufen ist - kann es für mich garkeinen Zweifel geben-dass es da noch mehr solcher Fälle gibt !!!
=Wer es auch nach über 5 Jahren gewissermaßen nicht zulässt-sich seine eigene Pflicht
vor Augen zu führen UND entsprechend zu handeln-stellt ohnehin einiges an seiner Person in Frage.
Ebenso wie die gesamte CDU !!!
Ebenso wie der gesamte niedersächsische Landtag !!!
Ebenso wie das gesamte Bundestagspräsidium !!!
Was ohnehin schon eine schwere Blamage für den angeblichen demokratischen Rechtstaat(rechtstaatliche Demokratie) bedeutet !!!
Ein Bundespräsident Wulff würde praktisch die regierungsunfähigkeit der Bundesregierung besiegeln !!!
UND einem Offenbarungs-Eid gleichkommen(...).
Allein im Internet wuchert der Betrug nur so um sich.
UND nicht selten fungieren Juristen dabei als Geldeintreiber
=Klare Ansage !!!
Verhinderte Anwälte des Rechts,die vorsätzlich an Betrügereien mitwirken kommen "garantiert"als Rechtsanwälte kein Bein mehr auf die Erde = UND die 10 Milliarden jährlichen Sondereinsparungen kommen so(BIP)locker von allein zusammen!!!
Klare Ansage !!!
Alle BürgerInnen,die vorätzlich falsche Beschuldigungen zur Strafanzeige bringen - müssen die Zeche selbst zahlen !!!
UND diese Form der Prävention bringt mittelfristig insgesamt 100 Milliarden/Jahr UND auch die Nerven von Richtern und Staatsanwälten werden geschont !!!
Teil 4 folgt die Tage.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen Thomas
Eingestellt von Thomas Karnasch,internatio. anerkannter Philosoph
um 10:35
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Thomas Karnasch,international anerkannter Philosoph
Personalausweisnummer der Bundesrepublick Deutschland : 144717846 6D
An das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
An die Bundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe[http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/organisation/aufgaben.html]
Die sehr beeindruckende Darstellung der Aufgaben des Bundesverfassungsgerichts auf obigem Link,sollte doch eigentlich besonders auch für die Machtzentren aus Politik UND Medien das Maß aller Dinge sein !
Schließlich tragen diese doch eine gewaltige Verantwortung gegenüber der eigenen Gesellschaft !!!
Es ist aber doch schwer,das eigene Verhalten,das eigene Gesagte ständig zu überblicken.
Eben gerade dazu gibt es ja die unbezahlbare Errungenschaft der"Meinungsfreiheit"!!!
Eigentlich muss dazu die auch unbezahlbare Errungenschaft der"Pressefreiheit" genannt werden !!!
Doch inwieweit ist die Meinungsfreiheit in diesen medialen Machtzirkeln überhaupt gegeben ???
Müsste sie aber eigentlich in jedem Fall,zumal Medien ja auch die Meinungen von öffentlichen Personen wiedergeben wollen und dann auch müssen.
WENN aber die verantwortlichen Chef-Redaktionen zu wenig von echten menschlichen Persönlichkeiten angeführt werden-denen eben auch bewußt ist-dass besonders auch in den nunmal sehr großen Einfluss ausübenden-eben meinungsmachenden Medien-die echte Meinungsfreiheit unbedingter Bestandteil des täglichen Arbeitsalltags sein muss-unbedingt anzustreben ist,dann lauert natürlich die Gefahr von unverantwort-lichem Tun und Handeln von seiten dieser Verantwortungsträger.
UND schlimmstenfalls läuft es dann so wie bei der Hessenwahl :
Einer der wohl miserabelsten Volksvertreter der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte(in seiner Wirkung) hatte schon vorher 2mal die wohl auch überforderten-aber auch sicherlich zu verantwortungslosen Medien zu seinen machtgierigen Zwecken missbraucht !!!
Was auch schon deutlich gemacht hat,das deren Macher viel zu wenig die Verantwortung für ihr Tun und Handeln übernehmen-UND dann nach meinen Erfahrungen eher dazu neigen,ihren Mit-Redakteuren/Journalisten mehr einen Maulkorb aufzuerlegen.
Auch dazu wurde von hier aus versucht,die Menschen in Hessen aufzuklären.
Der heutige hessische SPD Vorsitzende nach der Bundestagswahl vom vergangenen September : die hessische SPD hätte dabei von allen Landesverbänden am besten abgeschnitten.
Was für mich deutlich macht,dass die Menschen oft mehr als die oben genannten Machtzirkel die Bedeutung,die Wichtigkeit der Wahrheit verstanden haben.
Politiker und Medienleute treffen mitunter sehr häufig mit gleichen Personen aufein-
ander-was natürlich nicht nur eine gewisse Abgestumpftheit mit sich bringen kann-sondern leider auch offensichtlich sehr oft zur Folge hat.
Bemerkenswert ist dazu die Berichterstattung über die Kirchen-wozu ja aufgrund der geringeren Bedeutung weit weniger berichtet wird.
UND auch dabei spielt die in der Regel distanziertere Bekanntheit in der Berichter-
stattung eine oftmals wesentliche Rolle :
UND spätestens jetzt müssten die Medien,gemessen an dem was von hier aus bekannt gemacht wurde,die Machtzirkel um Wulff gewaltig ins Kreuzverhör nehmen !!!
Wulff hat wiederholt nach einem"Warnschussarrest"gegenüber Jugendlichen gefordert-ohne von der Jugend auch nur ansatzweise Ahnung zu haben.
= Jugendliche sind ja keine potenziellen WählerInnen
Doch leider ist es wiederum so,dass der Wulffsche Machtapparat sich die mediale Unzulänglichkeit auch hierbei ganz bewußt zu eigen gemacht hat = Eine schwere Schande besonders für die Wulffs,die gern und oft gegenüber anderen undemokratisches Verhalten angemahnt haben.
Was insgesamt nicht nur zu vermuten gibt,dass die Obrigkeiten aus Politik und Medien oftmals das Grundgesetz eigentlich garnicht richtig verstanden haben.
Passagen mehr auswendig zu lernen reicht eben oftmals nicht aus !!!
In der Philosophie ist ein solches Verstehen natürlich weit weniger schwierig-zumal der Sinn,bzw. die Sinnhaftigkeit des Philosophierens besonders darin besteht,mit nicht eindeutig zu beweisenden Auslegungen eben auch umso sorgsamer umzugehen !!!
Was aber eben auch den Sinn der echten Meinungsfreiheit UND ebenso auch den Sinn der echten Pressefreiheit ausmacht !!!
UND da muss doch eine jede Gesellschaft immer wieder hin finden-sonst stellt sich ihre Existenz als Ganzes immer wieder und fortwährend immer mehr in Frage !!!
Ich betrachte darüber hinaus nicht nur den Zustand dieser Gesellschaft als kritisch.
=Wir müssen was tun !!!
Also auch UND besonders Grundgesetzwidrigkeiten von Machtzirkeln notfalls per Verfassungsbeschwerde zum Stoppen bringen !!!
Ebenso,in wie weit die Politik die öffentlich rechtlichen ARD und ZDF zu ihren Zwecken beherrscht ???
Siehe die außer der Reihe Vorabaufzeichnungen bei "AnneWill" und "Maybrit Illner" für Angela Merkel.
Politiker dürfen und sollen aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung Privilegien in Anspruch nehmen !!!
ABER nichts desto trotz MÜSSEN diese doch auch an ihrem vorbildlichen Verhalten gemessen werden !!!
UND bei dem CDU Politiker C.Wulff läuft darüber hinaus schon seit über 5 Jahren einiges nicht nur schief-sondern disqualifiziert diesen doch darüber hinaus geradezu für das höchste Amt im Staate !!!
Warum und wie konnte es möglich werden,dass die Rechtsanwältin Giseltraud Schmitz aus der Kanzlei des erwähnten CDU Ex Landtagsabgeordneten Harald Noack zugleich auch noch Staatsanwältin und Richterin in Göttingen und Hannover"war"-Internet Präsentation ist gelöscht ???
Wahrscheinlich drohte mir dieser Harald Noack auch deshalb eben mit Gericht und Staatsanwaltschaft.Weil dieser offensichtlich über sehr gute Kontakte dorthin verfügte.
Nur leider ist auch dessen Drohung schon erschreckend primitiv-abgestumpft.
UND warum bekomme ich auf einmal so derart menschenverachtende Schreiben vom Amtsgericht Göttingen ???
Mit ganz klar zunehmender Einschüchterung-mich hinter geschlossenen Mauern verschwinden lassen zu wollen ???
Zumal für mich das Amtsgericht Northeim zuständig wäre !!!
Warum hat der Nörtener Polizeibeamte es im Jahre 2004 abgelehnt,meine Strafanzeige gegen diese Giseltraud Schmitz aufzunehmen ???
Danach die dann aufnehmende Justizangestellte bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Göttingen
:"das geht nicht,das ist Gesetz" = Beides wirft Fragen auf
Auch die anschließenden Vorgehensweisen von Göttinger Staatsanwaltschaft und Landgericht Göttingen sind doch schockierend : ich hatte Schmitz auf Empfehlung der Würrttembergischen Rechtsschutzversicherung zur Akteneinsicht erstmals aufgesucht-
Also kannte ich weder diese noch ebenso logischerweise nicht den Inhalt der Akte.
Weshalb sowohl Staatsanwaltschaft als auch Landgericht meine Grundrechte sehr ernsthaft hätten schützen müssen UND gegen diese hätten massiv vorgehen müssen.
Schließlich kann ich garkeine Beratung gefordert haben,wenn ich eben den Anlass einer Beratung-nämlich den Akteninhalt garnicht kennen konnte !!!
Jedenfalls zeigte ich begründete Hartnäckigkeit,weshalb Schmitz mehr und mehr zu nicht nur rechtswidrigen sondern vielmehr noch schwachsinnigen Vorgehensweisen griff : beantragte u.a. Hausdurchsuchung UND das bei einem betrügerischen Forderungsbetrag von 213,00 Euro(Akteneinsicht 55,00 Euro)
= rechtswidrig-weil die von mir zu zahlende Jahresprämie an die Rechtsschutz-versicherung schon höher lag UND eindeutig angedeutet hat,dass ich über ausreichende Finanzmittel verfügen musste !!!
= Auch Disziplinarmaßnahmen gegen Schmitz eigentlich fällig.
= Auch da Nötigung gegenüber meiner Person.
= Auch da klare Anzeichen,dass das auf weitreichende Duldung schließen muss.
= Letztendlich muss doch auch die Politik dazu beigetragen haben - dass überhaupt eine Person eben Rechtsanwältin/Richterin/Staatsanwältin in einer Person werden konnte !!!
Was doch darauf schließen lässt-dass da Machtzirkel mit eigennützigen Hinter-gedanken am Werken sind.
Siehe u.a. die arbeitsverweigernde Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover.
UND da muss eben natürlich eine Landesregierung zum fürsorglichen Wohle der Gesellschaft eingreifen !!!
Den Nachtrag mit dazugehörigen Aktenzeichen sowie meiner Beschwerden gint es am Montag.
Desweiteren darf ich besonders in Anbetracht der Tatsache,dass weder ein Rechtsanwalt noch auch Strafermittler bereit dazu waren,diesen Skandal weiter zu verfolgen,darum bitten,eben Unverständlichkeiten oder Unvollkommenheiten meiner Unterlagen zur schnellen Abhilfe an mich zu übermitteln !
Selbstverständlich werde ich mich bemühen,diese dann überarbeitet nach zu reichen.
Für Ihr Verständnis in Bezug auf die weitere Tatsache,dass es ohne Rechtsbeistand kaum eine fehlerfreie Form geben kann,danke ich im Voraus !
Es ist eben auch Bürgerpflicht,nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen Schaden von Menschen-in diesem Fall von der gesamten Gesellschaft abzuwenden.
Moringen,den 27.06.2010
Thomas Karnasch
Impressum - WEB.DE GmbH -
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um 10:24
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