Neue Ausgabe

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Furthermore, common cause of the municipal court prosecutor and Vodafone

"Thomas Karnasch"
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: complaint against the district court Northeim / Vodafone + lawyer
Date: Wed, 27 July 2011 15:48:14

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, July 27, 2011 15:46:27 +0200
From: "thomas Karnasch"
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: complaint against the district court Northeim / Vodafone + lawyer

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, July 27, 2011 15:44:18 +0200
From: "thomas Karnasch"
Subject: Fwd: complaint against the district court Northeim / Vodafone + lawyer

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, July 27, 2011 15:35:05 +0200
From: "thomas Karnasch"
Subject: complaint against the district court Northeim / Vodafone + lawyer

protect legitimate public opinion in most recent fraud allegations made!
ZDFtext news today - from Thursday, 21.07.2011

Rating: complaint against an employer does not justify dismissal

The dismissal of a geriatric nurse because of criticism of their employer is
not right.Germany was in violation of the right to freedom of expression, the
European Court of Human Rights. At the same time showed the Strasbourg judges to
the federal government to pay the 50-year-old nurse from Berlin € 10,000 damages.

The woman had her employer to poor patient care because of staff shortages, they
filed a criminal complaint for fraud hingewiesen.Schließlich, she was terminated.
= So, can take legal action against my publicly made allegations of fraud are not
made - of course, but the prosecution of repeat offenders!

Thomas Karnasch
For Scheersberg 2
37186 ​​Moringen
= Both the writing of the prosecution of Göttingen as well as the letter of
the Düsseldorf public prosecutor can be clearly seen that this would be hard to
figure seriously.

Amtsgericht Northeim
31 Police Station Road Inspection Northeim
37154 Northeim Pond Road 4
DR I 331/11 = garnishment 37154 Northeim
3 C 784/10 = process
3 C 414/11 (I) = 18 Js 13010/11 = Unglaubl.Antrag AZ: Prosecutor Göttingen
100 Js 4882/11 = AZ: Düsseldorf public prosecutor

Subject: Again Please OPPOSITION against scandalously u.Weise the attachment
of bank accounts

Subject: Neither Vodafone nor their lawyer nor the District Court of the unlawful
seizure have Northeim (since 20 May 2011) against me, therefore, against Thomas
Karnasch withdrawn.

Subject: The district Sparkasse Northeim shows this is not just as too
incompetent, but also debited my account even with an additional 7.50, - € /
And allows also the incredible, let me know after intervention detailed in a
letter that explicitly loads are garkeine my account allows.
In this bank and I have a scheduling credit to a checking account overdraft of
-1600, - contracted €!
= Less than 800, - € in disposable credit-debit my account was set up in the
seizure = what not only clearly illegal and is the way makes unlawful the
= But it shows that such irresponsible practices must be in otherwise stated
above, a common practice.
= Where every educated person must know that this kind Ungerchtig-speeds humans
may result in criminal action, also to repair the damaged self-esteem are looking for!

In Moringen 2 customer advisors have run away after I had politely asked them to
set up a garnishment account!
= Customer advisors Norten-Hardenberg has preferred, not at all to respond to my request!

So I hereby report the offense or display against the above institutions and
those responsible!

= Next, the district court has done it again with Northeim the Vodafone attorney
common cause:
Meanwhile there on 22.6.2011 filed application for interim injunction was taken
over by magistrate Thiele, not only to 100% without any serious evaluation, but
soon afterwards sent on 23/06/2011 at 11:42 clock just faxed to the attorney-Vodafone!
= = Not even an outrageous scandal and how these claims: 29/06/11

= Proof: Gmail is to have a date by order annex, this clearly visible as the
sender ID of the fax number Amtsgericht Northeim!

Here too, the district court Northeim has readily accepted the formulation of
the Vodafone lawyer.
It must in any case, but the degree of financial supply base, the attachment
order to be guaranteed by concerned citizens, not only - but still remain
explicitly preserved!
But even in this case just is not the case, but were rent / electricity /
water and telephone costs charged back by the bank without compromise!

= 2 bank employees are in Moringen friendly conversation on my part to run
away after I had to build up an allowance account garnishment protection asked
- and another has made Norten reported after repeated letters only not at all!
= Continuous advance had also been hiding the Northeim district court and,
following an objection or request for deferment or suspension of those eligible
but pledging to establish a so-called garnishment protection requires account
and also set a deadline of one week = Unbelievable!

= Where the district court Northeim is firmly committed, this seizure at least
suspend or postpone, and the blameless not only because of destitution, but
even more, because has been proven in previous proceedings in the District
Court, both sides of the court and on the part of the Vodafone Attorney-use
practices learned more than nebulous!
= Vodafone prior to the first right!

= Not only the Constitution gives citizens the Bundesrepublick Germany in the
form against such criminal practices, or similar protection, that 'even before
courts in cases of possible fraud at the latest achievements in retrospect
criminal court and prosecutors point out - or have to turn on!

= The district court should Northeim now but not forgotten, finally in this
regard in the case of available-Zdrzalek shameful act!

The fact that formal contradictions are read automatically confirmed that
from here a few weeks ago made known to suspect that the judiciary has set out
to suppress legitimate potential contradictions in this way, so the way for
costly procedures to make room.
= Because courts have also increasingly obvious set out to fund about such
practices (embarrassing) with their budgets and plan for something apparently
from the outset with in future budgets.
The FACT that courts often do not speak much preferred number of business
instead of reference, but this needs to be commented any further.

Particularly the district court Northeim has already been known that I bin.
Betwen not only because of an acute fatigue syndrome (since 21.09.2010
official) unable to work and still am penniless by the shameful and illegal
sickness refusal by the insurance company BKK health, and I already 2nd Time
this year, 1000, - € must withdraw from my life insurance - because I do not
even get money for food of this bank = total an outrageous scandal!

What further suggests that such or similar practices are almost a common
practice - and certainly not only at the District Court of Northeim.
Add to this that the district court in Northeim prior proceeding deliberately
by me on 21.12.2010 has submitted to the court suppressed Strafanazeige.

And has rejected the day before the revised application for further bias
result, at least!
= And the Vodafone Advocate on 6/23/2011 in his incorporated affidavits simply
times both the complaint of 21.12.2010 - as well as the application for a bias
against the District Court from 20.12.2010 Northeim left unmentioned - that is
simply concealed times or embezzled.
= Then, this also has the incredible audacity, just mentioned complaint also
accompanied in copied form of the Internet published blog posts mentioned his
request for temporary injunction.
= The actually-read blog post called on every page request information is
can also be found on this copy is not - it was the one I set up in March 2011,
which would imply further that the law firm Zdrzalek even before March 2011
must have releases of these Internet-aware.

= Because of these apparently it went out, it just among the judges and
prosecutors - to give some bad apples must be and probably are too - which is
only too willing at whose capital crimes to continue pursuing cover-up their
own crimes - not to mention crime - would participate.
= Of course, the policies to name as Hauptmitverantwortliche!

= Was further submitted a blog post with a copy copyright-Seal, but not at all
under which www.verfassungsbeschwerde g.marode Justice / trans later, was set,
but in another blog:
Which means the Vodafone lawyer has filed with this fitting intentionally to
signal that there may rauszuholen a substantial sum in damages:
"To 250.000, - €" = Look here people, there is coal, since everyone's in it for
something ...

It concerned me a few more local procedures have been performed not only similar
to half-heartedly to my detriment! = And yet allowed the district court judge and
director at Northeim, Sell, this request with the words: "We already know that"
to dismiss.

What if only barely different than what may be perceived as bias!
= Finally, was just 3 months earlier led a case against me before the district
court of Gottingen, that was just performed, according to court documents of
exactly those Dr.Eisenhardt up for negotiation!
= For an upright director should it be but in this context not only possible to
respond to this particularly enlightening documented facts!

= But as a judge and director Sell has not done, and also even at the Regional
Court of Göttingen intentionally filed a lawsuit to that procedure was violated,
but must be assumed that there also what can not agree.
Moringen, the 19.07.2011, with best regards Thomas Karnasch

P.S. Many probably remember more of the discussion about the Internet stocks of
dingy restaurants.
= Who deceives even as a lawyer under the guise of the Basic Law is, but then
either way on the internet pillory!

= Sell, Eisenhardt and Thiele can now hardly be a judge.